How to solder headphone wires
Headphones and various headsets have become an integral part of everyday life. Almost every inhabitant of the planet has them. People use them for entertainment, watching their favorite movies, listening to music from famous artists of all times. This device also helps to quickly resolve business issues and keep in touch with other users.
Thanks to modern developments, technology is becoming better, providing high-quality communications to all areas of human activity. Recently, developers have been focusing on wireless device models to create the most comfortable conditions. This option has its advantages and disadvantages.
In our article we will look at early versions of headphones. Unfortunately, wired models had one very significant drawback and weak point - the connection of the wires. They often fray at the folds and fly out of the inside of the liner. In this case, it is necessary to replace the equipment.
But it will cost a lot of money to buy a new headset every time, so we suggest learning how to repair them. In order to restore the wire, you need to solder it correctly. We will talk about this in our article.
IMPORTANT: If the equipment was inexpensive, you can purchase a new version. However, for expensive headphones, repairs will cost much less than a complete replacement.
The content of the article
What will you need?
Working with electronics has always been and remains a complex process. You should approach its implementation carefully and follow all safety regulations. To do everything quickly and correctly, you need to purchase soldering equipment from a specialized store. To perform repairs at home, you may need the following tools and materials:
- The soldering iron itself.
- Current source for connection.
- Solder for soldering the surfaces of broken wires.
- Flux for removing oxides and better adhesion of the material. You can use rosin.
- A stationery or regular sharp knife for stripping wires.
- You may need a new plug or piece of wire to replace the damaged section.
- Multimeters to detect the source of the fault.
- Insulating tape.
Prepare in advance the equipment and workplace where you will perform repairs. It is better to choose a spacious place with the least accumulation of foreign objects to prevent the possibility of a fire and damage to things during the operation of the soldering iron.
Instructions: how to solder headphone wires
Once you have prepared everything necessary for the work and found a suitable place for this, you can proceed to the main stage. The principle of operation is clear to everyone; the most important point is accuracy and precision in the soldering process. For understanding, here is a description of the step-by-step execution of all actions when repairing headphones yourself:
- The first step is to determine the source of the problem and the scope of work. There are two methods to do this: inspecting and probing the cable along its entire length and checking with special equipment (multimeter).The second option is used for hidden defects that cannot be seen externally or palpated.
- After detecting damage, cut off this segment with a knife.
- At one end, remove the rubber braid and spread the wire strands apart. Depending on the model, there may be a different number of them, all of them are painted in different colors for convenience. Do the same manipulations with the other part of the wire.
- Now remove the insulating coating from each core and fire burn all the wires to remove the varnish layer so that the solder will adhere well and provide good conductivity. It is necessary to ignite each vein.
- Then solder all the wires in accordance with each other, it is recommended to start with the common wire and then move on to the channel parts.
- Let the soldering area cool down and check the operation of the headset by connecting the plug to the connector and turning on the music. If there are deficiencies in the work, it means the soldering went poorly or was performed incorrectly, try to correct the shortcomings and check the work again.
- If everything is working, you can cover the soldering area with insulating tape to prevent shorting.
IMPORTANT: Be careful when handling electrical wires during the soldering process. If you are not confident in your abilities, simply purchase a new headset or entrust the work to professionals, since improper repairs can further damage the equipment.
How to solder wires in headphones?
A troubleshooting method for an open section of wire was previously described. In the event that the cable is damaged inside the speaker or near the plug, the action plan will be slightly changed.
- You also determine where repairs are needed. And clean this section of the wiring.
- After this, carefully disassemble the plug or speaker.It is necessary to prepare parts for replacement in advance.
- Once you have stripped the wires and removed the braiding, you need to thread them all the way through the new plug, otherwise after soldering you will not be able to insert them inside.
- All other actions are performed as described above.
- Additionally, after soldering, you can tie a small knot in the plug to prevent free movement of the wire and avoid further chafing during operation.
ADVICE: Keep the warranty; under it, you will be provided with free repair and maintenance of the device.
If you attempt to repair it yourself, the warranty card will become invalid, so don’t rush. First of all, contact the service center. There you will be provided with qualified assistance and the product will be repaired.