How to extend the life of headphones

How to extend the life of headphonesNowadays it is difficult to imagine life without headphones. Everyone uses them when we do household chores and sports. It is especially important to use this gadget on the road. And also a habit has arisen of perceiving this accessory as a consumable item, changing them almost every six months, although manufacturers guarantee several years of service. The reason for rapid breakdown is improper operation. If in a hurry you stuff them into a pocket or bag, or often find them in the most unexpected places, for example, on the floor under the bed, then they will quickly fail.

General recommendations

It is important to follow these recommendations to increase the life of the device:

  1. Protect from physical damage. The first tip is quite predictable. After listening to music, you shouldn’t throw the gadget on the table or stuff it into your pocket. The driver is the most fragile part and any careless physical impact can damage it and then the accessory will have to be thrown away.
  2. Use headphones carefully while working. The gadget jack is the second fragile place that often breaks. When listening to music on the move, try to position your phone or player so that the jack is on top.
  3. Use the clip included with the headphones. The clip helps reduce the physical strain on the wire and makes using the gadget more comfortable.
  4. Properly disconnect the accessory from your phone or player. After disconnecting, do not pull the wire, it may break or break; use the plug to disconnect the headphones from the phone.
  5. If you are not listening to music at the moment, then carefully fold your headphones and do not leave them in your phone or player.
  6. If you have a case or box, be sure to use it to store this gadget.
  7. Protect your headphones from temperature extremes and do not use them in severe frosts.
  8. An encounter with water can be fatal.
  9. Animals are the enemy of headphones; they can chew the wire or cover the speakers with saliva. After use, hide this accessory by carefully winding the wire.

Headphone care

Reference! For proper operation, the gadget must be cleaned regularly. But it is strictly forbidden to use sharp objects for this purpose.

How to properly strengthen the structure

To strengthen the headphones. You need to know all the weak points. One of them is where the wire connects to the plug. There the wire can bend, eventually becoming damaged. The solution is simple - screw a spring from a ballpoint pen into this place and the problem is solved. Instead of a spring, you can use regular electrical tape by simply winding it.


Another place where the wire often breaks is the connection to the earphone itself. Due to gravity, natural sagging occurs and the wire breaks. To avoid this problem, drop a little glue into the place where the wire comes out of the gadget. The glue will strengthen the connection point and the wire will not bend much in different directions.

How long can you extend the life of headphones?

As noted above, the average lifespan of headphones is about 6 months.If you use all of the methods listed above, you can extend the life of your favorite accessory to 3-5 years, as the manufacturers promise.Headphones

Some particularly careful individuals manage to use one gadget for up to 10 years. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the accessory itself. The cheapest models do not have good sound and quality, which means all of the above methods will be ineffective for them.

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