How to use wireless headphones

how to use wireless headphonesModern technologies do not stand still. This is why most wired connections are becoming increasingly outdated these days. They have been replaced by wireless technologies, which are much more convenient. The advantage of Bluetooth or Wi-Fi switching is obvious, since there is no longer any need to look for a suitable connector. There is also no risk of breaking or damaging the wire, which increases the service life of this device. We'll tell you how to use such a headset correctly.

Wireless headphone design

The design of a wireless headset is similar to that of conventional headphones, with the exception of one detail. Information for playback is supplied not over wires, but through a wireless channel. In order to receive and process a wireless signal, the device requires a separate battery.

IMPORTANT! The presence of a receiver and battery is the main design feature of wireless headphones.

Data transfer methods

It should also be noted that according to the method of data transmission, the wireless headset is divided into several types of data.


data transfer methodsCurrently the most popular connection, as it combines ergonomics and versatility. Switching using this technology is characterized by high reliability, absence of interference on the channel and a fairly long distance.

The presence of a Bluetooth module on all modern devices facilitates the connection process, making devices with this technology universal.

Infrared port

This high-frequency connection operates similar to Bluetooth, but the infrared connection has a shorter range.

The undoubted advantage is the high sound quality.

REFERENCE! Infrared ports are currently used less and less, and it is increasingly difficult to find a headset that supports such switching.

Radio waves

The radio connection provides the longest communication distance. But the radio channel is more susceptible to interference, and the sound may deteriorate with increasing distance between the device and the headphones.

Since the most popular technology is the Bluetooth connection, this article will discuss the main ways to connect Bluetooth headphones, as well as their functions and options.

Connecting headphones

Wireless headphones can be connected not only to Android smartphones, but also to tablets and computers. Each connection method should be considered separately.

Connecting to a phone (tablet)

connectionTablets are usually released with the same operating system as smartphones, so the process of switching devices is identical.

  • To start connecting, you must turn on the Bluetooth module on the headphones. This is done by pressing and holding the corresponding button for several seconds.The headphones are equipped with a color indicator, which will indicate that the device is ready for use.
  • After this, you need to go to the settings of your smartphone and turn on the Bluetooth item.
  • After switching on, a list of devices available for switching will appear. From this list you need to select what you need and make the connection.

ATTENTION! Some devices require a password for security. Usually it is four ones or zeros. But if this combination does not work, you should use the technical documentation that came with the device.

Some headsets come with their own receiver. In this case, just insert it into a special connector and turn on the headphones. The switching will occur automatically, and the receiving device will “see” the smartphone like regular headphones.

Connecting to a computer

to the computerTo connect the headset to your computer, you must turn on the Bluetooth module. This is done either in the “Device Manager” or through the notification panel. Then find the required device and connect.

ATTENTION! If the headphones do not have a separate receiving device, then to connect the wireless headset to the PC, it must be equipped with a Bluetooth module.

If on laptops this equipment is almost always built into the design, then on stationary PCs an additional device may be required in the form of an external module.

Headphone functions and buttons


Typically, wireless devices contain at least three buttons, the functions of which can be buttonscombined. Usually there are more buttons, and they all perform different functions.

  • Inclusion. A mandatory button that is responsible for turning the device on and off.Typically, you need to hold the button for a few seconds to get a reaction. Some models have a switch instead of a power button.
  • Volume adjustment. Usually it is a pair of buttons with a “+” and “-” indicator. As the name suggests, they are responsible for increasing or decreasing the playback volume. These buttons also combine the functions of rewinding and rewinding, respectively.
  • Play/Pause. Required to control playback. Usually combines the functions of turning on/off, receiving calls, and turning on voice control.


The following buttons may or may not be present on some headset models.

  • Button to select the signal source. From a connected device to an FM radio or flash card.
  • Microphone on/off button.
  • Separate button for receiving a call or voice control.


rechargingDue to their design, wireless headphones require regular charging. It is carried out mainly using a USB cable.

ATTENTION! To ensure high-quality battery performance, it is recommended that after purchasing the device, you completely discharge and charge it several times. This will ensure longer service life.

The operating time without recharging differs between different models and depends on the method of operation, but the average is 5–6 hours without recharging.

ATTENTION! In order to extend the life of the device, you should not leave it on charge for a long time.

Possible problems in use

What to do if the sound disappears while playing headphones. There may be several reasons for this.

  • The battery is dead. To fix the problem, just put the headset on charge.
  • The device has lost connection. To do this, you need to pair again, restoring the connection.
  • Headset malfunction. If charging and restoring the connection does not help, the device may be faulty. In this case, the user can receive assistance from a specialized service center.

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