How to connect headphones to an Xbox 360 controller

Connecting headphones to the console.It probably won’t be a big revelation to say that many people love to play - both children and adults. Naturally, there are many manufacturers of gaming devices. The Xbox 360 is a very popular gaming console. Using headphones while gaming is an absolute necessity for many. How to connect this useful accessory to Xbox One?

How to directly connect headphones to an Xbox 360 controller

The Microsoft console game controller has a special connector at the bottom of its body for connecting headphones. You can insert a headset into this port. However, any headphones will not work; you need to buy an accessory specifically for this gaming device. No special settings are required. But there are some features:

  • to hear the sounds of the game you need to connect the headset to the TV or speakers;
  • headphones have the purpose of transmitting sounds from the game chat - in order to communicate with other players.

It follows from this that the issue of sound output remains open. The ability to listen to game chat is not everything, but this console does not provide any other option.

Another way to connect headphones

The developers, trying to satisfy user requests as much as possible, have developed an adapter for the Xbox One joystick.

Joystick adapter.

Released in the summer of 2015, the updated controllers of the Xbox One S and X consoles already support working with headphones with a jack connector. “Elite” also received the possibility of such a connection.This solution works with the CTIA format, but headsets that operate in the OMTP format cannot work correctly.

Joystick model.

But what about those users who have earlier models? Buy new ones? At the very least, this is not rational.

Difference in console models.

A slight difference in the location of the “ground” and the “microphone” causes trouble for many users. But they can also take advantage of all the opportunities. To do this you need to buy a simple adapter.


But most players have headsets with two outputs. Separately for speakers and separately for microphone. In this case, you will have to purchase a different type of adapter.

Adapter of a different type.

After performing simple manipulations, you can assemble a structure that will allow you to connect absolutely any headsets to the console. To do this, you need to find a 3.5 MINI JEC adapter.


It will receive sound from the TV or monitor. Next, you will need a 3.5 MINI JEC adapter; it is designed to correct the situation with different audio transmission formats.


The next step is to find a microphone that you can connect your headphones to. The main thing is that the accessory has a volume control.

Volume control.

We need this microphone as an extension cord, not for volume control.


At the final stage, we assemble our entire structure. We insert the headset into the microphone.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in this design. But this trick allows you to use absolutely any headphones with the Xbox 360 game console.

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