How to connect Bluetooth headphones to PS4

Wireless headphones.The most common device for outputting sounds when using the Play Station game console is a TV. Usually this is quite enough, since the TV allows you to enjoy your favorite games in full. But sometimes situations arise that require audio output to headphones. The headset makes using the console more comfortable, since the gameplay will not cause inconvenience to others. This is especially true if there are children in the family. The game console allows you to connect the headset in several ways.

How to connect Bluetooth headphones to PS4 via Bluetooth receiver

This connection option requires a special Bluetooth adapter. With its help, the sound received from the game console will be transmitted to the headset.


Play Station is connected to the TV with an HDMI cable. Audio and video signals are transmitted through this wire. The receiver also connects to the TV receiver, receives an audio signal from it and transmits it to the headset.

Receiver for connecting bluetooth headphones.

ATTENTION! Before implementing this connection option, you need to check the presence of all the necessary sockets on the TV body. If they are not available, you will need to purchase the appropriate wires.

Step-by-step connection of Bluetooth headphones:

  1. The adapter must be connected to the TV.
  2. Then carry out the procedure for pairing the connected products.This is done by pressing and holding the power button on the device. Typically the hold time is about 10 seconds.Hold the power button.
  3. Next, you should turn on the headset. If all the previous steps were completed correctly, the connected devices will detect each other, and the headset will begin broadcasting sound.

ATTENTION! Some TV receiver models are able to find headphones automatically. If this does not happen, you will need to make the necessary settings manually. To do this, you need to go to the settings menu and make the input to which the receiver is connected active.

When the correct output is activated, the headset will begin to play audio.

Connecting headphones to Sony Play Station using a USB Bluetooth adapter

In addition to the Bluetooth receiver, you can use a USB Bluetooth adapter to connect wireless headphones to the PS4 or PS3 game console.

Bluetooth adapter.

The step-by-step connection is carried out as follows:

  1. The adapter connects to the game console.
  2. The connected devices are paired. This is done in the standard way, by pressing and holding the device's power button.
  3. Next, the settings of the set-top box open. You need to go to “Settings”, go to “Devices” and select “Audio Devices”.
  4. In the selected menu item, you need to do the following:
  • in the “Device for audio output” menu, set to “Headset”;
  • in “Output to device” - “All devices”;
  • In “Audio output device” indicate “Connected headset to Dualshock”.

If all steps have been completed correctly, the wireless headphones will begin to play an audio signal.

ATTENTION! With this option, using the microphone built into the headset becomes impossible.

Connecting headphones to the PS4 is quite simple and usually does not cause any difficulties for users. You just need to follow all the necessary recommendations.

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