How to clean wax from headphones

Headphones disassembled for cleaning.Quite often in a cafe, public transport or on the street you can see a person wearing headphones. Headsets of various designs are one of the main accessories used in conjunction with a phone, tablet or computer. With prolonged use, the surface of the headphones becomes dirty, which significantly reduces the sound quality. Villi, dust, and earwax remain on the mesh—the main type of contamination. Several methods are used to clean the headset and restore stable operation.

General rules for cleaning headphones

Among the general rules for caring for the headset, the following can be highlighted:

  1. It is recommended to clean the surface twice a month. This will help maintain sound quality during use and significantly extend the service life.
  2. It is recommended to use alcohol when working. It will quickly evaporate from the surface and will not cause serious damage. Alcohol will help remove dried dirt and for additional disinfection.
  3. Cleaning the internal components will also help improve sound quality. If you do not have the appropriate skills, it is better to refrain from disassembling.

Cleaning headphones with a cotton swab.

REFERENCE! Many users use hydrogen peroxide instead of alcohol. To clean, you need to immerse the mesh in the solution until the sulfur is completely dissolved.

Proper cleaning of vacuum headphones

The vacuum headset is of high quality and guarantees powerful and bright sound. The vacuum is created using special pads made of rubber material. With regular use, sulfur gets clogged into the pads, which reduces the quality of use. The advantage of such pads is that they can be easily removed for cleaning.


  • alcohol;
  • cotton swab;
  • lid;
  • paper towel.

Cleaning vacuum headphones with alcohol.

A small amount of alcohol is poured into the lid. The rubber pads are removed from the headphones. The headset must be placed in a container with alcohol. Only the mesh is placed in the liquid. Within a few minutes, alcohol dissolves all contaminants.

REFERENCE! An alternative to cleansing with alcohol is to use vodka.

At the end of the time, the headphones must be removed from the container and collected excess liquid with a paper towel. Rubber pads can be thoroughly wiped with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. After the procedure, leave the headset to dry for several hours.

Quick cleaning method

The quick cleansing option takes no more than 10 minutes. To work, you can use a cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide or alcohol. The contaminated surface is carefully processed with the tool. A toothpick is suitable for cleaning hard-to-reach places. When finished, the headphones should be wiped again with a clean cotton pad or a swab previously soaked in alcohol. This will provide additional disinfection.

Cleaning headphones with a toothpick.

ATTENTION! The cotton wool must be carefully squeezed out of excess liquid.

Using a vacuum cleaner

At first glance, this method seems unusual. A vacuum cleaner helps speed up the drying process and also helps remove wax residues in hard-to-reach places.

For cleaning you will need a special nozzle, which you can make yourself. To do this, you will need a thin tube that connects to the hose with a plasticine adapter. The headphones are vacuumed within a few seconds. The air flow will help remove remaining contaminants and eliminate moisture droplets.

REFERENCE! The body of a ballpoint pen is useful as a nozzle.

How not to clean your headphones

Some cleaning actions may cause irreparable damage to the device. Many users advise washing the headset or wet cleaning using a toothbrush under running water. It is recommended to refrain from such experiments. A large amount of water or the use of washing powder will cause the accessory to fail. After performing these manipulations, you will need to purchase a new device.

For better cleaning, the headset can be disassembled. This way you can clean the inside of the case, and not just on the surface. But in the absence of skills and knowledge, disassembling is not recommended.

Headphones make it more comfortable to listen to your favorite music and talk on a mobile device. With regular use, the mesh becomes clogged with earwax, which reduces the performance of the accessory. Using a few tips, you can clean earwax from your headphones yourself.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers