What are wireless headphones called?

Bluetooth headsetToday, you can see that manufacturers are releasing more and more improved products, which are significantly different from older models. Thus, wireless headphones are replacing those used with wires. In this article, we will analyze the first of these varieties, and also consider its inherent features.

What are wireless headphones called?

In 2016, a special device produced by Apple began to appear on the consumer market. It was this that gained enormous popularity among other representatives of sound transmission. They are called, respectively, Apple AirPods. You can use them directly not only with iPhone X, as many people thought.

wireless headphones..In addition to the updated version, there are several more varieties. Therefore, all designs can be divided into three groups, distinguished by their own type of connection:

  • Using bluetooth. The most common equipment, since it has been produced for a relatively long time. The principle of operation is quite simple: the analog signal is converted to digital using the built-in receiver. Of particular importance is the use of mobile phones. As for the available distance at which transmission is carried out, it is no more than 10 meters.

ATTENTION! An important feature is the ability to enjoy high quality audio reproduction despite various obstacles. They can be either walls or other equipment.

  • The infrared interface differs from the previous version in that the maximum distance from the receiver to the source is the smallest number of meters. But this results in one important advantage - the sound quality is significantly improved. It is important to understand that physical obstacles can actually cause interference or even loss of signal.
  • Headphones equipped with radio waves have the largest range, namely up to 150 meters.

REFERENCE! The further the device is from the source, the worse it will be to catch the signal. Therefore, it is recommended not to reach such a distance.

As for the technical characteristics themselves, it differs from wired designs only in the type of connection. Accordingly, all parameters are similar to ordinary representatives. In addition, you should understand what opportunities the buyer can get when purchasing:

  1. Due to the absence of a large number of wires, the first advantage appears - convenience. The user will not have to unravel the product every time, which makes operation comfortable. It is also worth mentioning the ease of transportation: they are miniature, therefore, they can be placed anywhere.
  2. Manufacturers try to take care of their customers, so you can often notice a mini-jack in the package. It can be connected to your phone if desired. So you can now play and listen to an audio file via wire, which indicates the versatility of the accessory.
  3. These headphones can be used in any radius.That is, it is possible to enjoy the track in one room while the device itself is in another room.

However, against the background of the above description, it is worth understanding that charging can last no more than 5 hours. This is due to the increased functionality of the product. Although here everything depends on the model and on the time at which the device is used. And quality, in turn, is determined by the number of obstacles. If the signal encounters many obstacles on its way, then the user is unlikely to be happy with the resulting playback.

TOP 3 wireless headphones

air subsAs already mentioned above in the article, the updated version of the accessories, which are not equipped with wires, occupy the first place in popularity. Thus, the following rating of devices can be formed:

  • AirPods Apple. Their activation is carried out literally in one click. To do this, you need to press “home” on your phone, and then place the product as close to the source as possible. A notification will appear on the screen indicating that the equipment has been recognized. Consequently, pairing occurs, one might say, instantly. Finally, you need to mark “done”, after which you can enjoy the music. Thus, in addition to the mentioned advantage, this model surprises users with its sound insulation. It is also worth noting that the product itself is quite light and easy to use. And on each earphone you can find a microphone. As for the disadvantages, it is quite high cost. So the device will not be available to every person who wants it. In addition, AirPods do not work well with other manufacturers, such as Android.

IMPORTANT! The product itself often falls out of the ear, so the risk of loss is quite high.Despite this, they are still the best of all series of headphones for iPhone.

  • Beats BeatsX Wireless can be used for no more than 8 hours. Like the previous option, it perfectly performs the function of noise insulation and reproduction with high sound quality. Also important is the fact that the device can be quickly charged. They fit comfortably and can be combined with any model of phone or PC. Management is as simple as possible, as it is thought out to the smallest detail. However, it is prohibited to use them and charge them at the same time. Among the minuses, it is also important to emphasize the lack of such an ability as moisture protection. And they also have a high price.
  • Pioneer. Here it is worth noting the pleasant material from which the accessory is made and the fact that they are convenient to use. Also, when interacting with them, questions about the controls will not arise, since it is quite clear. When playing vocal works, you can experience amazingly high-quality sound. However, you can often notice that one of the speakers breaks down, so it’s worth thinking about before purchasing. Unlike the above options, this one is not equipped with high insulation from extraneous noise. And the bluetooth version is old.

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