What is active noise canceling in headphones?

Bluetooth headsetThanks to modern technologies, manufacturers equip headphones with unusual, but very important characteristics. Thus, in this article we will analyze one of them. Let's find out on what principle it operates and what features it has.

What does active noise cancellation mean?

The technology itself entered the consumer market relatively recently. But in a short period of time it gained a significant reputation. Of course, you must first understand what the named ability is. First of all, this is the elimination of extraneous sound, which sometimes interferes with the playback of various audio recordings. Of course, it is impossible to protect yourself from all undesirable factors. However, the device fulfills its purpose properly.

Moreover, if you pay attention to more modern models that are equipped with this ability, then you can feel yourself in a quiet room in them. Consequently, this method helps the user not only fight silence, but also refuse excessive volume in the outside world.

It is important to note that the system can turn high frequencies, for example, an annoying squeak or any whistle, into ordinary hiss, characterized by calm and insignificance.Of course, those vibrations that have a frequency of more than 100 Hz cannot be suppressed, since it is perceived not only by the ears, but also directly by the body.

REFERENCE! In addition to active action, there is also passive action. A distinctive feature of the first from the second is the presence of some additions: a microphone, a battery and an audio processor.

How does the noise reduction system work?

Operation is carried out by applying a special sound, which is pre-generated. Accordingly, due to this, ambient noise is suppressed. In addition, special microphones are built inside the product. They are responsible for measuring the noise level in the nearest district. And the whole system is explained by the following sequence of actions:

  • The first thing that is captured is the sound that will later be suppressed by another.
  • After which a sound wave with a similar amplitude is emitted.

ATTENTION! The phase of the original sound at this stage is exactly mirrored.

  • Finally, the two streams mix, thereby suppressing each other. Thus, the principle is based solely on physics: any sound can create an image for itself, which smoothes out the original one (acts exclusively in antiphase).

using headphonesThe presented technology is really able to cope with excess sound, the range of which is in the range from 100 Hz to 1 KHz. That is, the conversation of strangers, characteristic sounds from passing cars or from the street can easily be “suppressed”. However, it is important to understand that along with so many positive aspects, there are also negative ones. For example, this concept is not suitable for everyone.

There is a small percentage of people for whom the use of these products is completely contraindicated. With prolonged use, certain headaches may occur. This occurs because some populations suffer from intolerance to active suppression technology.

IMPORTANT! Another disadvantage is the pressure it puts on the eardrums.

This is explained by the presence of “anti-noise” that enters the ear along with music or other recordings. Thus, it is worthwhile to first check the portability of this system so as not to spend extra money.

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