What can be done from old headphones

Old headphones.Surely every home has old headphones that are either broken, simply tired, or have been replaced by a newer, higher-quality model. Don’t rush to throw them away - you can make a huge number of other useful things from such material. This can be either a gift to someone close to you, or just a simple craft for yourself or for interior decoration.

What can you make from old headphones? Wouldn't this be too difficult for someone who has never made any homemade items before? You will learn about all this in this article.

What to do with broken headphones

Instead of throwing away the device, you can first try to fix it yourself. To do this, you will have to determine the cause of the breakdown - there can be quite a lot of them. After this, you can easily find a solution to the problem on the Internet and, if your skills are sufficient for repairs, you can return them to normal operation.

What to do with broken headphones.

But if nothing can help your headphones or you simply bought new ones and don’t want to bother with repairs, then it makes sense to explore a few interesting ideas that require very little time and effort to implement. As a result, you can get a completely new and original thing.

Making such crafts usually does not require special skills or experience, nor a large amount of additional materials, so even a beginner can cope with the task.

If you are interested in such a useful transformation, let’s take a closer look at the most popular ideas for crafts made from old headphones.

Options for what can be made from old headphones

The options are extremely different from each other - these include any devices of a similar profile, for example, a microphone or speakers, as well as chokers or magnets that can be given to friends and acquaintances.


One of the most useful gadgets you can make yourself is speakers. They are quite easy to make, and the result is a good speaker system, quite suitable for home use. You will need some additional materials: a thick paper cup, preferably made of cardboard, the accessory itself, adhesive tape and tape.

The bottom of the glass should be carefully drilled to create a small hole that exactly matches the size of one of the speakers. Then insert the earphone there, secure it with tape and tape.

Headphone speakers.


Homemade speakers are ready!


A headset can be a real lifesaver for those who urgently need to make a Skype call or use the microphone for other purposes, but it is not at hand or it is broken.

Undoubtedly, it will be to some extent inferior in quality to the original microphone, and it is not recommended to use such a device on an ongoing basis. But in some situations it is a great option. You will need adhesive tape or tape to secure the microphone from old headphones to the webcam.

IMPORTANT! Such a device can be made in a more complex way, but in this case it will require soldering, more tools and time. But the microphone can be used for quite a long time.


An old accessory can be turned into an excellent piece of jewelry for women. To do this, you will need to disconnect the wires from the speakers and the plug, and then separate them completely. Then attach the resulting wires to any surface with tape and do any weaving you know. On the Internet you can find a large number of master classes illustrating various techniques of this skill.

Scheme for weaving a bracelet from headphones.

Then remove the tape and connect the ends of the wires with a soldering iron. The bracelet will turn out to be very original and beautiful.


You can weave a choker in a similar way - only in this case you may need more wires. This method is suitable for those who have several pairs of headphones that are similar to each other.

Headphone choker.

Be careful when connecting the remaining ends - if you do not fasten them tightly enough, the product may unravel after the first use. Also watch the length of the ends - if they are not cut, the sharp wires will scratch the skin.

Plug for headphone jack

A plug will also be a useful thing. It is needed to protect the connector from any influences of the external environment - for example, any contamination or mechanical damage. To do this, you will need to cut off the plug from the wires and speakers.

Then insert it into the socket exactly as you did before and leave it there. This homemade plug will allow you not to worry about the safety of your phone even during rain or heavy snow.


The last method is to remove the magnets from the damaged device.This is very easy to do; you don’t even need any improvised means.

Magnets can be used for a variety of purposes - to find paper clips and other small metal items, or as a part for some other device you make yourself.

Now you know what can be made from the most ordinary old headphones that have been lying around at home for a long time. Instead of throwing away an unnecessary item, you can get the most out of it even after it breaks.

Comments and feedback:

As always, “interesting and informative.” But the authors should check all these ideas.
example: “plug for headphone jack” - if you insert the plug into the socket, then as a rule
The internal speaker turns off!!
I wasn’t too lazy, took a Xiaomi-5s phone and inserted a cord with 3.5 mm jacks at the ends into the socket,
turned on the player on the phone and plugged in the jack - the sound in the speaker disappeared!!
And thank you!


You just need to not only cut off the wire, but also saw off the tip of the connector


That’s wonderful, but those who followed the idea without reading the comments will probably be disappointed with the result. Therefore, the first sentence (of the first comment) remains valid.


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