How to find out your monitor's aspect ratio

monitors When purchasing a monitor, it is very important to first find out about its technical characteristics. The performance of the device itself will depend on them. Thus, in this article we will consider one of them - aspect ratio. We will learn about the varieties, and also identify the significance of the parameter.

What are the aspect ratios of monitors?

First, it’s better to understand the definition. So, the meaning itself lies in the format of a particular image. Most often this applies to photographs, television, and so on. If we talk directly about computer equipment, then this is a technical indicator of the display. Now we can touch on the topic of the most common options:

  • 4:3 (72*54);
  • 3:2 (81*54);
  • 16:9 (96*54);
  • 1.85:1 (100*54);
  • 2.39:1 (128:54).

How to find out the aspect ratio of your monitor?

aspect ratioIn order to identify the value assigned to your structure, you should adhere to the following sequence of actions:

  1. First you need to use a single right-click on your mouse on any free space on the work monitor.
  2. After which you will have access to a window that opens, in which you should select the line called “screen resolution”. Now you need to go to the “categories” department and call up “design and personalization” there.
  3. Now all that remains is to mark the “settings” parameter and the desired section will be highlighted. You will be presented with the currently used values.If they are dissatisfied, there is a possibility of correction. However, most often the system automatically builds the optimal indicators for your device.

To find out the original length and height, it is better to focus on the manufacturer’s website. Thus, by entering the name of your own invention into the search engine, you can end up on the page you need. In addition, you can refer to the documentation that came with the purchase of the monitor. First of all, this is an instruction or a sticker that should be located directly on the monitor itself on the back side.

Why is ratio important?

what does it look likeAt a minimum, by choosing one device over another, you are signing up for the convenience of the unit itself. Consequently, the degree of comfort of spending time at the computer will directly depend on the indicator. If you work on 3D graphics, spend many hours playing games, or edit photos and videos, then you should pay attention to a widescreen screen.

REFERENCE! This is because you will need to have enough space to look at every detail or to immerse yourself in an unreal world.

Moreover, the picture will become clear and bright. For those who work with several documents at once, open a large number of files at the same time, or keep more than two folders open, it is also important to emphasize the design with the widest format. So the larger the size, the better. For normal work or for leisure, you can choose standard resolution, since in this case nothing supernatural is required from the monitor.

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