What is a dynamic microphone

Dynamic microphone.Microphones are used not only by professional musicians, but also by ordinary users for entertainment and communication. When choosing, the buyer is faced with a large assortment offered by manufacturers. One of the most popular and high-quality devices is a dynamic microphone. This article provides up-to-date information with a full description of the accessory.

What is a dynamic microphone, its features

A dynamic microphone is used to convert acoustic vibrations into an electrical signal. It consists of a thin membrane called the diaphragm. A thin wire forms a coil, and a magnet creates a magnetic field. Acoustic vibrations cause changes in air pressure, which promotes movement of the diaphragm. Thanks to this, the coil begins to move in a magnetic field. These movements cause the wire to rotate, which creates an electric current.

Dynamic microphone device.


The main feature of a dynamic microphone is the ability to operate without additional power. This distinguishes it from capacitor-type devices. Such electroacoustic devices are suitable for so-called live concert performances or live broadcasts. The dynamic type of device is preferred by journalists, since they often have to report in emergency mode.

REFERENCE! The dynamic version of the microphone is larger in size (when compared with other options).

Pros and cons of the device

Like any device, a dynamic microphone type has advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a model, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the positive and negative features.


  • relatively affordable cost;
  • no need for additional nutrition;
  • high rates of absorption and elimination of extraneous sounds;
  • excellent reloading ability;
  • resistance to high humidity or temperature;
  • resistance to mechanical damage.

In addition, this type of electroacoustic device is suitable for recording very loud or low sounds. It is also an indispensable device when working with guitar amplifiers or percussion instruments.

Dynamic microphone in a concert hall.

REFERENCE! The advantage of the dynamic mechanism can also be called durability. The device is able to function for a long period without any deviations or sudden breakdowns.


  • quite large size (this is due to the peculiarities of the mechanism);
  • lower levels of purity and naturalness (compared to the capacitor type);
  • low frequency range;
  • reduced timbre transmission.

A microphone is necessary when conducting “live” vocal performances, various press conferences and reports - the scope of application is quite wide. The choice of such an important device must be approached with special care, taking into account its features.

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