Useful life of the MFP

office MFPIn the office and at home, an MFP is a convenient tool that can be used to solve several tasks at the same time. We will tell you in our article how to calculate its useful period of operation and increase this time.

What is the useful life of an MFP?

The device includes three main functions: printer, scanner, copier.

According to the Classification of Fixed Assets, copying tools are in the third depreciation group:

  • photocopying devices (code OKOF 14 3010210),
  • photocopiers (OKOF code 330.28.23.22).

Printers are included in the 2nd depreciation category and are assigned code 330.28.23.22.

The MFP is a single mechanism, therefore, according to the rules, it is included in the third group, with a useful period of operation from 3 to 5 years (inclusive).

REFERENCE. Judicial practice (in particular, the Resolution of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region dated September 8, 2015) confirmed that MFIs belong to this group.

How to increase the useful life of an MFP

home mfpA full working period depends on the following conditions:

  • features of a particular model, its build quality,
  • regularity and density of workload,
  • careful attitude of employees towards the apparatus,
  • periodic maintenance of office equipment.

ON A NOTE. As a rule, laser MFPs are purchased for offices, as they are designed for an increased volume of work. If up to 2 thousand pages pass through the device per year, the useful life of the device can increase to 10 years.

Regular and maximum loads shorten the service life. Conscientious employees will notice problems with the device in a timely manner, which will allow it to be returned to working mode at the lowest cost. Periodic maintenance will ensure timely replacement of parts and consumables.

IMPORTANT. For preventive inspection and repair, it is advisable to contact specialized service centers.

This will allow you to increase the useful life of the device by at least several years and save money (a new device will cost much more).

By following the above recommendations, you can always accurately calculate the optimal operating life of your equipment and extend it as much as possible.

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