How to choose a laminator
When you decide to buy a laminator, you need to understand its main characteristics in order to make a balanced and rational choice.
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Features of choice laminator
The lamination process is used in office work and in operational printing enterprises. That is, in those places where available constant circulation of documentation. Some people have even found use for this device at home.
The development of entrepreneurship in our country has led to rapid growth in this market segment. On him you can find devices for various purposes and price categories.
It is better to immediately understand what features exist in choosing this device. Firstly, we must remember that there are roll and packaged products. Secondly, they are distinguished by technological properties - hot and cold. For the most part, employees of offices or operational printing enterprises try to choose roll-type equipment. They provide the required productivity in document lamination.
To the advantages of package laminators include:
- setting lamination speed;
- shaft temperature adjustment;
- there is the possibility of reverse movement of the shaft (reverse);
- high productivity and operational reliability.
Devices This type can easily handle sheets of paper up to A4 size.It should be noted that even a person who sees it for the first time can handle the control of this unit.
Devices Roll type is most often used for working with sheets of format larger than A4. It is used to process posters, advertisements, etc.
The undoubted advantages of this device include the following:
- performing lamination on both sides;
- possibility of stamping using foil;
- low cost of consumables;
- high productivity, which allows for the production of large quantities.
Such devices are expensive and are most often installed in printing houses.
How to choose laminator for home
Choosing a device for home use is not difficult. Suitable for home use will do The simplest device that can be controlled using one button.
Regarding the device class, it makes sense to pay attention to laminator batch type. Moreover not really important will it uses heated plates or rollers.
Also, the temperature controller is not particularly important. Mechanical or electronic control of the device does not play a special role. It should be taken into account that the use of the latter increases the price of the device.
When choosing laminator For home use, you need to pay attention to the body of the device. It should not only have an attractive design, but also not succumb to excessive heat. A well-made housing will protect household members from accidental burns. By the way, for home use it makes sense to purchase a device equipped automatic shutdown option.That is, upon completion of work, you can be sure that after a few minutes it will disconnect from the network and switch to standby mode.
Devices that are used at home are usually designed to be used films thickness from 80 to 125 microns. This thickness is quite enough to protect the document from moisture or dust, but they are not durable under mechanical stress. Most often used at home laminators for protecting photographs, children's drawings, certificates And so on and therefore there is no point in buying devices that can work with film greater thickness.
Important! Should not be used laminator to protect official documents, For example, certificate of assignment of TIN or documents related to marriage registration. Government organizations recognize them as invalid.
For home use it makes no sense to consider purchasing laminator roll type. They are effective when it is necessary to provide service for large circulations.
Laminator A4 - which one to choose?
It is necessary to be guided by an understanding of what exactly will be processed and in what manner volume. If speech coming about a small restaurant where laminator will be used when processing menus, then a batch device with low performance will be enough.
If speech coming about the processing of operating instructions for one form A4, for example, in a factory, then it is advisable to consider installing a roll-up device. In other words, need to understand circulation and the type of printed products processed.
How to choose laminator for office
Choosing a device for use in an office environment is a little more complicated, but there is a simple rule - it is not advisable to save on purchasing a device. If it is used in extreme modes, it will simply fail or slow down the execution of processes.
As already noted, there are two types of devices on the office equipment market - batch and roll. Big some companies prefer to purchase packaged laminators. Rolled, most often used in printing houses where process large print runs or sheets larger than A4. It is advisable to buy a device for office work equipped reverse. All The fact is that during processing, sheet of paper Maybe screw up on the shaft This may damage the device. Reverse (reverse movement of the shaft) allows you to return the jammed sheet to the reverse position.
For companies with small volume documents being processed, it makes sense to consider purchasing a device with internal heating of the working shaft. He is not limited during working hours and this is its advantage for office work.