How to set up speakers

Homemade speakers.When purchasing this or that device, you need to have knowledge that will be useful directly in the connection process. Thus, in this article we will consider the principle of connecting a column to the main equipment. In addition, we will find out options for action in case of possible problems.

Instructions: how to connect the speaker?

Depending on the method of setting up communication between two devices, the algorithm for the sequence of manipulations will be determined. Therefore, below we will consider the method when using bluetooth speakers.

  • The presented opportunity is considered truly universal, since both a personal computer and a cell phone can be equipped with wireless technology. So, first you need to activate the unit itself by pressing the appropriate button.
  • After which you can access the menu with notifications and hold the icon that characterizes the bluetooth function.
  • Next you need to use the “search” key. This will automatically begin searching nearby devices.
  • A list with different device names will be available on the display. At this point you should find your own unit and mark it by clicking. After this, pairing will occur. You may be asked for a special code in advance, which should be entered into the line. It can also be found on the back of the speaker.

REFERENCE! In the future, the connection will be carried out independently.

If the equipment is equipped with wires, then you should follow a slightly different algorithm:

  • You must first ensure that you have the necessary power source. Next, you can begin to activate the invention.
  • Insert one part of the cable into the jack intended for headphones. As for the other thing, it is a connection with a 3.5 millimeter jack.
  • To confirm valid actions, a window will open on the screen with the text “audio connector connected.” Thus, from now on it is possible to enjoy the reproduction of various works.

How to set up a column correctly

yfcnhjqrfIf you are a user of a personal computer or laptop, then it is recommended to adhere to the following sequence:

  1. The first thing you need to do is turn off the PC, that is, turn off the power source. At this stage, it is worth connecting the cable from the speakers to the main system.
  2. Now you can turn on the device and go to the “control panel”.
  3. Next, you need to go to the section called “sound” and start setting it up directly.
  4. This happens due to changes in parameters. To do this, you need to refer to the “levels” section. If you are not satisfied with the sound volume or balance, it is advisable to adjust it manually. Using the switch in the configuration menu, you can define the indicators yourself. In addition, you can notice several other methods that will also help the user achieve ideal sound. Along with “levels” there are other meanings. In any case, you will have to experiment and change the parameters in different ways to achieve the desired result.

What to do to stop it buzzing

jblIndeed, sometimes you can notice characteristic noises that come from the equipment. In such situations, you first need to determine the source of the problem. If you feel vibrations when touching the wire, then the cable may not be shielded. To do this you will need to purchase a new one.

But if you can’t buy it, it is recommended to wrap it in foil. But it may be that the fault lies in the board. Then only internal disassembly of the structure will save you. In this case, it is worth checking for the presence of swellings and unsuitable contacts. If detected, it is worth reproducing the repair and rechecking the functionality of the structure.

REFERENCE! The occurrence of noise may be due to nearby magnetic fields that interfere with the functionality of the speakers.

So it makes sense to install the unit higher from other equipment. If you have special speakers that need to be on the floor, it is important to take care of equipping certain furniture. It is she who will limit the impact.

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