What is Treble on speakers?

Many users of computers and stereo systems have noted the presence of the Treble inscription on the speakers. What does it mean, what is it for and how to use it? We'll talk about this in more detail later.

Treble on speakers: what is it?

Treble is a measure of high frequencies, and Bass is a measure of low frequencies. It is interesting that Treble is translated from English, but also has a translation of the treble indicator. Early Treble was translated as the musical vocal direction of the soprano, and today it also denotes the treble of the sound. Discant - discantus. Literally translated as singing and dismemberment or polyphony.

What is Treble on speakers?

On many modern speakers, Treble indicates high frequency. He is responsible for the loud and optimal transmission of music entering the speakers. As a rule, it requires careful study and scrolling of the corresponding buttons with this designation, since in a high-quality music system all indicators should be normal. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about a professional music studio or an ordinary home theater.

Attention! To achieve this, you must learn to work with high and low frequencies. The instructions for the speakers and advice from experienced sound engineers will help with this. Naturally, your own hearing will also help, because without it you cannot correctly adjust the frequency and organize clear sound for listening to melodies, recording songs and other things.

Why treble on speakers?

As we found out, the treble inscription on the speakers indicates high frequency or treble frequency. The treble is responsible for volume and amplified musical signal. It enters into some kind of harmonious connection with low frequency, that is, with Bass, and as a result a pure melody is formed. The amplitude frequency response, which is displayed on computer graphs in professional studios or stereo music systems, will allow you to check the indicator. Any deviations are expressed in decibels. The smoother the graph, the better the music sounds. Sharp frequency fluctuations indicate sound distortion.

On the column

The treble inscription, as a rule, is on high-frequency speakers or tweeters. They work only with high frequencies and make the sound more powerful. Thus, treble is responsible for the bass or power of sound delivery, and the cleaner it is, the better. Treble can also often be found on the most ordinary speakers in a music studio.

How to use treble on speakers

Any music system has four adjustments: volume, low, medium and high. By rotating them, it is possible to adjust the sound and make it harmonious for perception. It is impossible to set the maximum due to possible overload and distortion of the sound, as well as to put high indicators in the foreground - as a result, only dynamic vibrations will be heard.

Every sound engineer knows that all indicators must be in balance. If you remove the mid frequency, then to adjust the sound you need to add treble, and if you remove it, you need to add Bass. However, adjusting the sound is not limited to adjusting the speakers. It also needs adjustment of the source, player or computer. In this case, you can use an equalizer to control the output sound flow.

Column controls

The equalizer will tell you how to use treble on the speakers, in which direction to turn the corresponding buttons in order to get a clean signal without overload and pure bass. It is available on almost every computer and player; the main thing is to learn how to use it correctly. If you have concert equipment, then you can configure your computer and speakers using a remote control with special frequency sliders. They serve instead of an equalizer or complement it.

If the only controls on the speakers and the highs and lows are set incorrectly, they distort the signal. In order for them to work correctly, you need to study the instructions included with the speakers or use the following advice from users: the higher the signal quality, the more you need to turn the frequency to the right, and the lower it is, the more you need to turn it to the left. Zero value - left all the way. Naturally, the sound needs to be checked by your own hearing, however, to ensure that it does not fail, it is enough to use the general rules for adjusting the treble of all musicians and sound engineers.


In general, the designation of this indicator on music speakers indicates high frequency. This is an important indicator of any stereo system, allowing you to correctly adjust the signal for watching a movie, recording a music album and any other actions with music. You can adjust the indicator according to special instructions from the speaker manufacturer or according to advice from experienced sound engineers. In any case, the adjustment is carried out by your ear.

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