Keyboard test
There are times when it is necessary to check the keyboard for functionality. If you use Microsoft Word, you will be able to verify that only those buttons that are responsible for letters, numbers, and some functions work. But the functionality of buttons such as F1 or F12 cannot be checked. Online services come to the rescue that can show the status of all keys.
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How to check the keyboard for functionality
You need to check the buttons in three cases:
- When purchasing a new device.
- If you bought a used laptop.
- If you suspect that some of them are out of order.
Most often, online services are used for verification. They are easy to use:
- We go to the network resource.
- By pressing the buttons step by step, we see how the service reacts.
- If clicks on them are detected by the system, the color on the screen becomes different (most often blue).
This is how by pressing you can see which key the system could not detect, which means it is out of order.
Attention! But there are buttons that record the press independently, that is, without human intervention. In these cases, the service will show that a certain one was clicked several times. You can find the reason.
Online services for checking your keyboard
To find out how services work, let's give examples of several of them and learn how they work.
This service is in Russian. It is very convenient to use. Here you can check how the keys work, without the need to download or install additional programs on your computer. The advantage of this program is that in addition to the keyboard, it can check the status of the touchpad on a laptop. There are practically no shortcomings, everything is clear and convenient.
The service works as follows:
- Log in to the service.
- Activate the English layout (this will allow the service to detect keys more correctly).
- Press each button in sequence. If it works, it turns blue. And if blue-yellow flashing appears, it means that it is damaged or the contacts are stuck. Needs renovation.
- There will be a small black image at the top of the page. It will allow you to record the sequence of pressing and help identify damaged buttons.
This service is in English. It has the ability to set up alerts when a faulty button is pressed. It works as follows:
- Let's go to the service.
- Launch the tester by clicking “Launch the Tester”.
- A window opens showing the keyboard.
- Press the keys sequentially.
- If they turn green (and a sound characteristic of pressing is heard), then it works.
- If flashing occurs with yellow and green colors, then it is stuck.
Reference! It is also possible to set what sound will be made when you press a working key. To do this, use the settings at the top of the screen.
This service is designed specifically for Mac devices, but you can check other device options.The advantage of the service is that it is very convenient and understandable; you can determine the number of clicks that the device supports. We do the following:
- Let's start the service.
- Press the buttons sequentially.
- Workers will be shown in blue.
- Those that are stuck flash yellow and blue.
Online keyboard tester
This service is also English-language. The interface of this tester is not as user-friendly as in the case of Keyboardtester, but this resource is also considered very effective for checking the status of buttons. For testing we do the following:
- Let's launch the tester.
- Press the buttons one by one.
- If it is working properly, it will turn green.
- Stuck ones will flash yellow.
PassMark KeyboardTest
Allows you to make diagnostics at a professional level. In addition to driver sticking and duplication, correct codes and input panel defects. The disadvantage is that the program is paid. The principle of operation is similar to previous programs; the working key is colored blue.
In addition to these, there are other services that can check the device’s functionality. They may not be as comfortable and functional, but they are still in great demand.
How else can you check the keyboard for key presses?
There is another way to test the keyboard for functionality - use an online script. It allows you to control internal codes when you click on symbols. In addition, sticky or duplicate buttons are monitored. To check through the script, do the following:
- Launch the script.
- Go to the page and configure the testing parameters. For comfortable work, the best browser is Google Chrome.
- You need to place the cursor in the main window.
- Now you can press the buttons one by one.
- The field displays the program codes corresponding to the pressed button.
- If a fault has been detected, a message will appear in the main window.
This program is designed for testing at a professional level. Even advanced users will not understand the meaning of the codes if they do not know programming. For such people, the programs from the previous list are better suited.
Reference! If time permits, you can always use Microsoft word to test the most necessary buttons. But keep in mind that it is not possible to check the functionality of row F.
Online services allow you to quickly check the status of your keyboard keys. If during the verification process it turns out that one of the buttons is faulty, try cleaning the keyboard from dust. If the button breaks, you can replace it or buy a new device.