How to protect household appliances from power surges?

Long-term and reliable operation of any electrical equipment directly depends on the stability of the electricity supply. Uneven flow of electricity often leads to failure of electrical appliances. To avoid such problems, you need to know how to protect electronics from power surges.

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Electronics Protection Methods

When choosing equipment, it is worth remembering that the house/apartment must have good wiring and electricity for it to function properly. There should be no fluctuations in voltage.

Reference! For foreign models the norm is 190-242 volts, for domestic ones - 170-242 volts.

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Frequent power outages lead to the fact that the minimum permissible voltage for electrical devices becomes 170-180 W, and the maximum - 250 W or higher. Because of this, the equipment may break down and not work properly.

Due to such problems, the refrigerator relay, TV or computer may fail. To protect your appliances from damage, you should thoroughly check the electrical system in your home. After all, frequent power surges can be due to contacts that come loose.

If surges occur not through your fault, but due to problems at power plants, it is best to stock up on special sockets with a fuse that will help avoid a surge in electricity.

Tips: how to protect household appliances

Protecting electrical appliances from overloads will guarantee their long-term operation.The first thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing a product is whether it has built-in protection. Most often, the manufacturer already includes additional protection in household appliances to avoid malfunctions due to power surges.

However, not all models have alternative protection. Therefore, to protect it, you need to purchase additional stabilizing equipment. It will help to properly distribute the flow of electricity.

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Important! A high-quality stabilizer will cost several times less than repairing household appliances.

A low-power device can be supplemented with surge protectors with a power of up to 200 W. For powerful models (refrigerator, washing machine, etc.) you will need a 220 W stabilizer.

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To protect electrical equipment from damage due to voltage surges, use additional input filters and stabilizers. They will ensure high-quality operation of the devices and help prevent power surges.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers