Where to put the old system unit? I have an idea!

People often simply throw out outdated equipment because they are no longer needed. However, there is also the opposite category of people who even keep broken equipment, which is completely impossible to restore.

From the system unit

People do this because they understand that something truly unique and useful can be made from old technology. For example, from an ordinary personal computer that was used more than 10 years ago, you can make many interesting solutions - both for home decor and for effective use.


Perhaps a mailbox is the simplest thing that can be made from an old system unit. To create this item, simply have the front and sides of the body. If there are components inside the case, they must be carefully removed without damaging the walls of the equipment. It is necessary to remove all parts except the drive cover, as this will be the main structural element.

Making the box is very simple; all you need is a good processed block, the body itself and several fastening elements. The product creation process itself is carried out in several stages:

  • Digging a block into the ground - this will be a support pillar;
  • Installing the housing on a pole;
  • Fastening the case: this is best done with small screws, but you can also use regular glue;
  • Removing the drive lock - this place will become a compartment for receiving mail;

As we can see, to create such a useful device, it took very little time and a minimum of details.

From the system unit mailbox

Important! To make the post pole more durable, it must be filled with cement with a thick structure. At the same time, the pillar itself must have a wide and stable support - it can be laid on top with pieces of brick or crushed stone.


Technically, the bedside table will be a little more difficult to make, but the end result is worth it. There are two manufacturing options: the bedside table can be designed as a small footrest, or as a full-fledged product, with the ability to store various items.

In the first case, it will be enough to attach the legs to the device to make it more stable - this must be done in a horizontal position so that there are four points of support. For beauty, the stand can be covered with some thin fabric material with a good design.

If you plan to make a full-fledged bedside table, you need to remove the side cover of the case, as well as remove all components. We attach two wooden shelves to the inner wall - the bedside table is ready. You can also hang the product on the wall - it will be a practical and useful item that does not require additional space.

From the system unit cabinet


Not everyone will be able to make a table, since the system unit must have relatively large dimensions. For owners of compact and portable devices, this method will simply not be relevant, since the resulting table surface will be too small.

To make a coffee table out of a system unit, or just a miniature piece of furniture, you need to choose a good support leg.Experienced craftsmen can make one out of a floor lamp, but this requires the object itself and skills in working with metal.

Reference! If you still manage to make the leg, then you just need to remove the side cover of the block and secure the structure well. The outer side should be closed, without any holes for coolers.

Table from the system unit

Mini greenhouse for seedlings

To make a greenhouse, it is better to use old models of personal computers that do not have holes for coolers - this will ensure the best heat dissipation. Also, the body material should be made of plastic, since the iron structure is much more difficult to heat up.

After the device has been successfully selected, all connectors and openings must be covered with impermeable material. Warm fabric should be laid on the bottom of the structure so that it retains heat. After this, you can fill the walls with soil and transplant the seedlings.

From the greenhouse system unit


The grill is made from modern computer models, which are 100% made of steel. The manufacturing principle is very simple, since it is enough to remove the side cover and install small clips in its place. These elements will be designed to fix the skewers.

From the system unit grill

It is not entirely necessary to install the legs, since the grill can be installed on any surface. Moreover, due to its light weight and small dimensions, the product can be easily transported, washed and cleaned of coal residues.

Any plastic elements, if any, should be removed. Otherwise, when cooking food, melted residues may fall on the food, causing poisoning.

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Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers