Incredibly expensive rare and modern cameras

What exactly are you looking for when asking about the most expensive camera in the world? What can be bought, or what has already been bought by someone? I have answers to both questions.

The content of the article

What you can buy

Phase One XF IQ4 150MP Camera System – an ultra-modern tool for connoisseurs of beautiful frames, created on the Infinity platform, with which you don’t have to worry about image quality, productivity and workflow optimization.

Phase One XF IQ4 150MP Camera System

Phase One XF IQ4 150MP Camera System (1)

Phase One XF IQ4 150MP Camera System (2)

Phase One XF IQ4 150MP Camera System

I will not delve into the technical description of this creation. I will only announce the main highlight of the camera, which is the 151-megapixel camera. Impressive, isn't it? However, the cost of the Phase One XF IQ4 150MP is also delightful - $55,000, which gives this camera the right to be called the most expensive of those that can be purchased at the beginning of 2020.

What's already sold

When I went to in search of information, at first I couldn’t believe my eyes: the most expensive camera in the world turned out to be Leica series 0, created in 1923 by Ernst Leitz.

Watering can series 0

Watering can series 0




Moreover, the title of the most expensive cameras in this series was confirmed three times:

  1. The first record holder was Leica 0 with serial number 107, which bought in 2010 for $1.3 million.
  2. The second is Leica 0 with serial number 116, which in 2012 it was sold for 2.67 million dollars.
  3. Well № 122 - a camera that in 2018 it went under the hammer for $2.97 million.

In favor of these rarities, we can say that only 25 of them were produced, of which only three have reached our days.Moreover, the specimens sold at auction were preserved in almost their original form, which only adds to their value.

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