What is shutter speed in a camera?

Shutter speed is the time the camera captures an image. Previously, shutter speed could be described as the time during which the shutter remained open, allowing light to pass onto the film or sensor. Now the time for reading light can be limited not only by the shutter, but also by software, as in a smartphone camera.

Camera with flash

How is shutter speed indicated?

This setting can be adjusted manually, where the photographer opens the shutter with one button press and closes it with a second. The second option is to set the automatic shutter speed mode, when after pressing the shutter button it will close after a predetermined time.

Automatic shutter speed is usually set by turning the shooting mode dial. It can be designated as:

  • S (from English shutter) - shutter;
  • Sv — shutter value;
  • Tv - time value.

To find out how to set the desired shutter speed, you should read the instructions for the camera.


What does exposure affect?

While the shutter curtains remain open, light affects the film or matrix, leaving its “imprint” on it. The longer the shutter remains open, the more reflected rays enter the gap and the brighter the final photo is.. When shooting stationary objects in low light conditions, this allows you to get beautiful, clear and fairly bright photos.

It is thanks to the long shutter speed that astronomers have the opportunity to study distant stars: in a few hours or days the telescope manages to capture their light, which is impossible with fast shooting. A striking example is a photograph of distant galaxies taken by the Hubble telescope in 2004.

If the photographer is interested in a moving object, then he should remember that The longer the shutter remains open, the more blurred the image in the frame becomes.. This can be used to obtain interesting effects (“an empty” busy street during the day or blurry lights of moving traffic at night).

But this can also be a serious obstacle when it is not the movement itself that needs to be emphasized, but a specific moment (hitting the ball, the model’s fluttering hair). Therefore, camera manufacturers strive to operate the shutter as quickly as possible, which can be slowed down if necessary by selecting the appropriate settings or adjusting the shutter speed manually.

Shooting mode wheel

How is exposure measured?

This parameter is usually measured in seconds or fractions of a second. In this case, the corresponding numerical value can be written:

  • in the form of a “naked” number - 1/500, then recording a short (less than 1 s) shutter speed can be without a numerator - 500;
  • with letter designation of seconds - 1/500 s or 1/500 sek and other recording options;
  • with the corresponding icon - 1/500′.

The twofold difference in shutter speed is called a stop (or stop). This parameter is adjusted with an accuracy of one stop. This means that each subsequent value can be 2 times shorter or longer than the current one. For example: 1 s, 1/2 s or 1/500 s, 1/1000 s. The exception is stop 60 (1/60 sec) -> 125 (1/125 sec).

And finally: for automatic mode, the maximum shutter time is usually considered to be 2 s, and the shortest, amounting to only 1/32000 of a second, is achieved only by software (electronic shutter mode). At the same time, 1/8000 s is enough for professionals - this value allows you to get spectacular shots.

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