Is it possible to charge a PS4 joystick from a power outlet?

Is it possible to charge a PS4 joystick from a power outlet?There are cases when there are no other power sources to charge the joystick other than a power outlet. And many believe that charging the device this way can be dangerous. Let's see if this can be done?

Is it dangerous to charge a PS4 joystick from a power outlet?

Here the answer depends on two factors:

  1. The quality of the socket itself. If, when connecting a gamepad to a console, it makes sounds or has external damage, it is prohibited to connect any devices (including a gamepad).
  2. Choosing the right cable and charger. You need to find a cable that can be connected to the gamepad on one side and to the charger on the other. A USB cable works well for this function. He was able to show himself as a quality product, and he has many positive reviews. Very often, such a cable is used to connect to the console (we select it first). Naturally, you need to choose a charger with a USB connector. Such products can be found in phone stores (often used for smartphones). Another important factor is the absence of external damage.


Important! The console and computer can also be used to charge the joystick. These methods are considered more reliable and effective. There is no need for a special cable or device; when connected to a computer, the joystick charges on its own.

How to charge a joystick from a power outlet

To connect the gamepad to a power outlet, do the following:

  1. Buy a power supply and USB cable. Perhaps they are already included with your smartphone.
  2. Now you need to take the cable and connect it to the gamepad with one side.
  3. The other side of the cable is connected to the power supply.
  4. Insert the plug into the socket.
  5. If the indicator on the gamepad turns yellow, it means charging has started. Now you just need to wait. The process usually takes a couple of hours.
  6. As soon as the joystick is charged, remove the power supply from the outlet.

There is one more important detail - the output current indicator of the device. It is indicated on the fork. There is a certain rate of current use for a particular device. And if you go beyond this norm, there is a risk that the gamepad will be damaged.


Important! Scientists have found that the maximum deviation can be no more than 0.3 A. But still, it’s not worth the risk, since there are many cases where the joystick burned out with minimal deviation. Choose a device and cable specifically for the joystick, preferably from the same store where you purchased the gamepad.

How to understand that the joystick is charged

It is very easy to determine that the device is charged - you just need to carefully monitor the indicator. If the light is yellow, it means that charging is progressing successfully, but has not yet finished. Once charging is complete, the indicator will turn off. You can turn off the device. The indicator is located on the top panel of the device (next to the connection port). In most cases, it looks like a long strip (it is large in size, you will definitely see it).


Charging the gamepad from a power outlet is very easy. The most important thing is to choose the right device, as the wrong choice can damage the joystick.

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