How to charge an xbox one joystick

how to charge xbox one joystickExternally, the Xbox One gamepad is not far removed from its predecessor, the Xbox 360, but the technological content has undergone a lot of changes. The ergonomics have been improved, taking into account the company's vast experience in the field of gaming consoles. High-quality plastic was used and, accordingly, higher reliability was ensured. And most importantly, energy consumption is optimized. In the article we will analyze in detail the structure of the power system and options for replenishing it.

When to charge

First, let's look at how to understand that a game controller needs power. In the upper right corner there is an indicator that is familiar to anyone who has a phone. A small indicator in the form of a battery. When the level comes to the end, it will turn red. This will be the signal to replenish the joystick.

IMPORTANT! When connecting multiple devices, the indicator will show the level of the controller with the Xbox button pressed.

If the controller is connected using a wire, the indicator will display a plug icon for a socket. It doesn't matter what type of batteries you use. Even if these are alkaline batteries, the indicator will show their level.

Xbox one joystick power supplies

The wireless joystick from Xbox One is supplied as standard, which comes with the console. without battery or batteries.


It will work fully even when connected via a USB cable.But to use the wireless option, you will have to purchase additional batteries. You can also use regular AA batteries as a power supply.. But they cannot be updated; each time you have to buy a new set.



For convenient use of the gamepad, the manufacturer suggests using branded battery and special accessories.

The proprietary battery has a capacity of 1.4 A*h, which allows you to continuously use the controller for 30 hours. The entire process only takes 3–4 hours.


cableUsed for charging regular USB-microUSB cable, it also comes complete with a battery pack. The length of this cable is 2.8 m.

For comfort There is a light indicator installed on the connector, which begins to glow when the procedure begins.. The charging process via the cable does not interfere with the full use of the gamepad. All clicks will be transmitted through the wire at this moment. This allows you to use your Xbox One game controller even with zero charge.

IMPORTANT! For charging, you can also use a regular USB-microUSB cable that you use for your smartphone or any other electrical equipment.

There are also batteries made by other companies. But it is not recommended to use them. The quality of such products is often very low, which can lead to damage to the internal electronic components of the gamepad.

How to charge the joystick xbox one and xbox one s

xbox one s To increase the charge level of the controller, you need to carry out a number of simple steps.

  • First, connect the USB cable to the port located on the front of the joystick.
  • We connect the opposite end of the USB cable to the port on the front of the game console.
  • Turn on the Xbox One to start the process. Unfortunately, you won't be able to charge the gamepad when the console is turned off.
  • During the process, the LED located on the wire will begin to glow orange. This will indicate that the battery has been successfully charged. And when the energy level reaches 100%, the LED will begin to glow white. During the charging process, the icon showing the level on the screen will begin to display animation.

Additional Information

  • If you are not using the original battery, then you must use the method provided by the manufacturer of this device. Otherwise, this may lead to damage not only to the battery pack, but also to the entire gamepad.
  • To work with the original device it is not necessary to use the console. The USB port of your personal computer or phone charger will also work. You can use any other USB cable. But in this case, the full charge time may differ from those described by the manufacturer.

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