How to enable joystick on xbox 360

How to enable joystick on xbox 360The popularity of xbox 360 gamepads can only be envied. Back in 2015, one of the largest game stores conducted statistics on which gamepads users most often play on. Statistics have shown that games are most often launched using xbox 360 joysticks. Of the 28 million users, some constantly face the problem that the device starts unstable. Many people experience serious problems turning on the joystick. The article will tell you how you can turn on this device.

Enabling the joystick on xbox 360

In order to turn on the joystick on the console, you must press the sync button. After the user holds this button for 30 seconds, the gamepad button should then be turned on.

Near the button responsible for powering the device there is an icon indicating the connection to the set-top box or PC. If the device was turned on correctly, one of the icon sections will light up green.

Joystick xbox 360

Important! If the switch was turned on incorrectly, the window will display red.

In order to connect the next gamepad, you need to perform a similar operation on it.

Joystick doesn't work after switching on

If the power indicator on your xbox 360 is blinking red, but there is no connection, you can consider all the possible reasons for what happened. In most cases, you will need to take your console to a professional for repairs.

First of all, you need to consider the room where the console is located.There are situations when switched on wireless technology causes electromagnetic radiation that prevents synchronization elements from setting up their communication. If such equipment is still found, it is recommended to either turn it off or move it further away so that there is no interference.

Joystick xbox 360 turn on

In addition, the possibility may lie in the problem of battery power. In this case, it is recommended to simply change the batteries or charge it. To check, you just need to change the power supplies on each gamepad.

Reference! Also, many users can use a large number of joysticks at the same time. The Xbox 360 itself allows you to connect no more than 4 devices at the same time.

Also, many gamers are unaware that there is no fundamental difference in a new or old gaming device. Therefore, it is better to try to repair an old device than to purchase a new one.

If the user is unable to independently turn on one of the joysticks of the console, it is necessary to check the correct operation of the batteries. Conventional control devices use simple AA batteries, which can simply run out.

It is also possible that the problem lies in the original batteries of the device. To avoid any problems with power supply, you should not buy the cheapest salt batteries. They drain too quickly, which will prevent the user from using the xbox 360 control for quite a long time.

Joystick xbox 360

You should understand that the original xbox 360 batteries have too little power. That is why you should stock up on more expensive and capacious batteries. Original batteries can only be used within 1200mAh.

The best way to check one of the gamepads is this method:

  1. It is necessary to remove the original batteries from both gadgets.
  2. After that, change places.
  3. If nothing happens, it is highly recommended to contact a service center. It is possible that the reason lies in power supply damage or failure of the device.

In addition, experts advise purchasing chargers separately, which will help save you from an unpleasant situation in the form of a discharged device.

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