How to connect a PS3 joystick to your phone

Modern smartphones are very powerful, with high screen resolution, and support games with graphics that are not inferior to their PC brothers. But the controls in games are sometimes very inconvenient, the keys obscure some part of the screen, spoiling the impression. It has long been known that it is possible to connect a mouse and keyboard to a smartphone. Is it possible to connect a joystick?



Initially, it may seem that the joystick from the console cannot be connected to the phone. And this is true, it cannot be connected without additional devices. The matter will not be limited to just the connection; you will need special software with which you can configure the joystick.

Before you begin connection operations, you need to perform a device compatibility analysis to determine whether your smartphone even supports such a function. To do this, you need to download a special utility that will carry out a number of necessary analyzes.


How to connect a PS3 joystick to an Android smartphone

We have already figured out that connection is possible, although not with all phones. Now let's look at how this is done. There are 2 ways to connect the joystick to your smartphone. The first is via a USB cable, the second is via Bluetooth. In both methods, this will not be enough for the joystick to work and be used.Having analyzed your phone for compatibility, it was time to choose a connection method.

  • The first method is good because it has a physical connection via a cable; the connection between devices will be stable.
  • The second method is suitable for those who do not have a special adapter, however, the connection between devices will be worse and failures are possible.

Connection In order for the joystick to work, in the first case you need to download a special utility to your phone using in which it will generally be recognized by the system, and in which It will be possible to configure all kinds of keys. In the second case, you will also need access to a computer, on which you will need to install a special program to link the joystick to an Android-based device. After binding, you will also need to install a configuration utility on your phone.


A gameThe first thing you need to pay attention to when connecting a PS3 gamepad is the load level of your phone, how many system resources it has. Let's be honest, on older Android models it will be almost impossible to connect. This is due to low system resources and general incompatibility. If your phone meets the requirements, you need to scan the device with an antivirus, since possible malicious files can significantly affect the operation of third-party devices connected to the phone. In addition to antivirus, it is worth using various cleaning utilities that will free up the internal and RAM memory of the device.

IMPORTANT. You should check for updates that may provide better compatibility and performance for your devices. After all these manipulations, you can start connecting using one of the described methods.

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