How to connect a PS2 joystick to a PC

How to connect a PS2 joystick to a PCFor those who had been accustomed to console games since childhood, it was very inconvenient to switch to a computer keyboard. However, many games support a gamepad as the main source of control. If a user experiences inconvenience when using a regular keyboard, but for one reason or another cannot purchase a console (and not all games have their own console equivalent), he has only one option left - connect the PS2 to the PC and set up controls for it.

There are several ways to connect to a personal computer, and they directly depend on the configuration of the console itself (if the joystick was taken from there) and the model of the joystick itself. If necessary, the desired version of the gamepad can be purchased separately. It happens that it has a regular USB plug that fits into the computer. In this case, the connection is very simple. If there is no such output, but there is a specialized one, then you will have to purchase a specialized adapter and transfer from the joystick to the PC through it.

Methods for connecting a joystick from PS2

If the joystick has a USB output, then the sequence of steps to connect it is simple:

  • Turn to the back of the computer system unit and find a group of additional holes for USB there, but if the wire is not long enough, you can also select the main holes located in the front.
  • Insert the joystick plug into one of them.
  • Wait until the necessary drivers for working with the new device are installed on your computer.
  • Open the control settings for the desired game. They are often located not in internal parameters, but as a separate executable file, but this depends on the specific game.
  • Reassign control buttons in the settings by pressing them on the joystick.

 Joystick If the joystick requires the purchase of an adapter, then there is no way to do without an adapter. For this purpose, a special “PS2 to USB” adapter has been created, which supports two independent joysticks at once and has an additional disk with drivers. Sequence of actions after purchasing it:

  • Insert the USB output of the adapter into any free slot on the computer. It should be recognized by the system immediately after installation, without the use of any auxiliary programs.
  • Place one or two joysticks in special holes on the adapter. If the gamepads are connected correctly and can work, the red LEDs on the adapter will light up.
  • Open the game control settings and set buttons for certain functions within the game. A pair of joysticks on such an adapter work independently of each other, so you can play a game together without any problems.

Diagram of how to connect a PS2 joystick to a computer.

Diagram of how to connect a PS2 joystick to a computer If you don’t want to work with the adapter, you can try to independently convert it from a gaming station to a USB one. This will require some effort, but it will allow you to create your own unique gamepad that suits your computer. Necessary materials:

  • Joystick;
  • LPT-MALE port;
  • USB cable;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Soldering iron;
  • Scissors.

First of all, you need to cut off the PlayStation end of the gamepad.One of them is painted red - you don’t need to touch it yet, take it aside. The black one needs to be soldered to two inputs at once, using additional wiring. The next port, LPT, must be used from a prepared USB cable, since the gamepad does not have an analogue.

After selection, you need to solder together the black wires from the USB and the gamepad, then repeat the same with the red ones. When connecting to a computer, it is important to first connect the LPT power output to it, and then the USB cable. Disconnection occurs in the reverse order.

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