What is the phone joystick called?

what is a joystickDuring the active technological progress that is observed now, people begin to get acquainted with a smartphone from an early age. Small children use this gadget mainly for games. As they get older, they do not stop this addiction, and actively try to improve the devices for comfortable playing on the phone. This is how phone joysticks come to public attention.

What is a joystick for a phone

joystick for phoneSome people are hearing this name for the first time, but for many it is already a completely understandable tangible object. Let's figure it out.

They can have different configurations, prices and even functions. But most of them are the same as for a regular Sony or Xbox console, they just have a different connection type and size.

Important! A joystick for a phone is an additional device, a gaming gamepad, that connects to the phone to control gaming applications.

Why is it needed?

These devices have different functionality. Mostly this is a gamepad, that is, a game add-on (from the English game). They look like a standard console attachment, only slightly smaller. They also have a standard set of buttons:

  • two sticks (or mushrooms);
  • D-pad group (for character or cursor control);
  • function keys (functions depend on the type of game);
  • start;
  • back.

joystick keys

There are various modifications of these add-ons (even without sticks), but most of them have a standard set of keys. But there is an exception: a lever-type device.

On a note! Despite the differences in the appearance of joysticks, they are all designed for use in conjunction with games.

Is there a separate name for the phone joystick

gamepad for phoneIn general, joystick is a colloquial name. This is only true for models made in the form of a lever. Models that contain buttons are called gamepads.

All telephone joysticks can be called gamepads, since their main function is to control controls in telephone games.

Important! When purchasing, be sure to inform that you need a gamepad specifically for your phone, as there are varieties of them.

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