What is a joystick

In gaming circles, the debate about which is better – a keyboard and mouse or a joystick – has not subsided for a long time. This topic is almost as relevant as the bickering between console and PC fans. However, many gamers don't realize that they are using the wrong name for their favorite controller. After all, a joystick and a gamepad are two different things.

A joystick is not at all a familiar gaming controller with two sticks, bumpers and four buttons. What is mistakenly called a joystick is actually called a gamepad or joypad. But what is a joystick in this case?

not a joystick


A joystick is an input device that looks like a movable vertical handle. It most closely resembles a gear lever or an aircraft control stick. Most often it contains buttons, sliders and switches. They are located at the top of the handle and on a stable base. Some models are attached to the surface using suction cups or simply held on by their weight.


This type of controller is divided into three categories:

  • One-dimensional. Designed for control along one axis “x” or “y”.
  • Two-dimensional. They can receive data on movements in two coordinate axes at once.
  • Three-dimensional. In addition to the “x” and “y” axes, they are also capable of reading the coordinates of the “z” axis.

Joysticks are also divided into analog and discrete. Analog ones are designed for finer control, and therefore can evaluate the force of pressing.Simply put, the more the lever is deflected, the greater the speed or angle of inclination during movement. Discrete ones can only receive a signal in the form of zero or one, that is, “on” or “off”. Due to their imperfections, analog controllers are practically not used.


The first joysticks were used in stationary arcade machines or as an additional controller for home consoles. In those days, games were much simpler in their mechanics. Control in them most often required only movement along one or two axes and a couple of buttons for simple actions, like shooting. Therefore, such controllers were quite common.

joystick purpose

Over time, games became more and more complex, but the need for joysticks did not disappear. Despite the fact that keyboards or the notorious gamepads are suitable for any games, in certain genres it is preferable to use joysticks. Most often, this genre is a variety of flight simulators or racing games. They use control levers for more realistic and convenient control.

Sometimes pedals and an additional lever are used in connection with joysticks. The combination of such manipulators with virtual reality glasses also gained some popularity. Using all this equipment, gamers can achieve the most realistic feeling of controlling equipment in games.

Where does this name come from?

Many gamers wonder why this manipulator is called that way? Of course, you can turn to a direct translation of the English name. Joystick literally translates as “joy stick” (joy – joy, stick – stick). However, this does not clarify anything.

why is the joystick named like that?

This word was first used among aviators to refer to the control wheel of some aircraft. It is not surprising that it was he who gave the joystick its characteristic shape and structure. However, the etymology remains unknown. This word simply began to be used without any explanation of its structure or origin.

The two most common versions of the origin of the name revolve around the name of the inventor and the joy of flight. The first suggests that the device was originally called the “George stick”, in honor of the inventor Arthur George, and then the name was slightly modified. The second is based on the fact that the pilots were simply happy to fly.

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