Difference between alkaline and alkaline batteries

Batteries power various household devices that operate autonomously from the mains: alarm clocks, remote controls, flashlights, toys, kitchen scales, etc. Several million of them are sold every day all over the world. The effect of electric current in them may differ - this factor depends on the composition of the battery.

The most popular among all are alkaline. They have a long service life. For example, salt ones discharge much faster. Today we will talk specifically about alkaline batteries and look at how they differ from alkaline ones.

What are alkaline batteries

Alkaline batteries use manganese dioxide as the cathode, zinc powder as the anode, and potassium hydroxide solution as the electrolyte. Thanks to this composition, their service life is much longer than that of salt analogues. Some may confuse salt and alkaline batteries or believe that they are the same thing.

What are alkaline batteries.

It is important to note that alkaline batteries can even be recharged. This will extend their life and save your budget (even if only slightly). However, this matter must be approached with maximum responsibility. After all, various problems may arise during the charging process:

  • overheat;
  • electrolyte leak.

Therefore, only rechargeable batteries can be revived. In this case, it is strictly forbidden to knock on the body or make cuts on it. You also cannot disassemble the element. These simple rules will help save not only the food supply, but also your health.

To charge, you need to take a charger with a current rating of 9–12 volts. Also remember about the wires that need to be assembled into a special circuit. Do not forget about a multimeter with which you will check the voltage. It would also be useful to have a thermometer to measure temperature, which will allow you to control the process.

When reaching 50 degrees, the charger must be disconnected from the network. After this, the battery should cool for a minute and it can be recharged. This procedure will take 5–10 minutes in total.

If we talk about brands, then, of course, “the famous Duracell is ahead of the rest.” Their products have a long service life (as the manufacturer claims, they work 10 times longer than cheap analogues). However, such a battery has one significant drawback - its high price. Not everyone can afford such a purchase, because the cost of one is 70–120 rubles.

If we talk about domestic high-quality alkaline batteries, then the batteries called “Cosmos” have performed well. Numerous tests have shown that the product of this brand performs best under conditions of intensive use. Also, Cosmos power supplies discharge slowly, hold a charge at sub-zero temperatures, and have good performance.

Alkaline and alkaline batteries - is there a difference?

Alkaline batteries have a second name - alkaline. The name comes from the English language, in which the word “lye” sounds like alkaline. This name determines the type of electrolyte that is included in the composition.Foreign manufacturers write the corresponding inscription on the shell, naturally, in English. That is, in fact, it is the same battery, it just has two names.Alkaline battery.

Types of alkaline batteries

These power supplies come in different sizes, so you need to choose the right size for each device. First of all, they are distinguished by the type of case. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

"Little Finger"

Standard size AAA. They are a small cylinder with a diameter of about 1 centimeter. The length is 4.45 centimeters and the weight is 14 grams. This type of battery is used in remote controls, small flashlights, children's toys, etc.Little finger battery.


Size AA. The most common type of battery. Their popularity is due to the fact that most equipment is “tailored” to this size: alarm clocks, wall clocks, radios, flashlights, etc. The product voltage is about 1.5 V.What are alkaline batteries.


Battery voltage is 9 volts. Its main advantages:

  • small sizes;
  • high voltage.Crown.

It is used in remote controls, toys, alarm clocks and electrical measuring instruments.


Such power supplies are characterized by high voltage. Several “barrels” will provide electricity to various electrical appliances, for example, a radio, music player, and high-brightness lights.Barrel.

Among the advantages of alkaline batteries it is worth highlighting:

  • low level of self-discharge;
  • performance even in slight frost;
  • long shelf life and service life;
  • charge uniformity.

Disadvantages include the relatively heavy weight and high cost, which is due to the long service life.

Comments and feedback:

Current readings... volts. Everything is clear with the author.


Actually it's alkaline.


Well, this is complete stupidity:
Such power supplies are characterized by high voltage.”
At the same time, even in the photo you can see - 1.5V
The author is a victim of the Unified State Examination


The title itself is already nonsense: “The difference between alkaline and alkaline batteries.”
Then the author says that they are one and the same. What dark forest is this author from? What is the article about?


in the picture - a section of the battery - the signatures are complete nonsense!! just crazy


Not entirely true about Duracell and Energizer.
There are expensive versions of these batteries (Duracell Turbo max) - they really have increased capacity. But there is no need to talk about a 10-fold advantage. Ordinary Duracell and Energizer batteries have quite ordinary capacity, at the level of cheap alkaline batteries.
For comparison, with a discharge of 0.2A: the best alkaline battery in the test (Duracell turbo max) has a capacity of 2.97 watt-hours, a cheap battery from Ikea 2.63, a regular Duracell 2.32, the lowest capacity of alkaline batteries (regular versions Panasonic and Sony) around 2.0.
GP salt batteries have a capacity of 0.76, while fixed-price batteries (10 pcs for 55 rubles) have a capacity of 0.6 watt-hour.
In total, Duracell has a capacity of only 5 times the salt battery from Ikea, and only 12% higher than that of Ikea.
Of course, if you compare at high currents of the order of 3 amperes, you can achieve a 20-fold difference, but this is already far from reality.


One messes up and everyone stupidly copies...
Drawing with errors.


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