How to change batteries in a gas water heater

Without what is it difficult to imagine a modern water heating system in an apartment or private house? Whatever one may say, it’s difficult to live without a gas water heater now. There are, of course, individual houses where there is no gas and never has been, but that’s not what we’re talking about now. In order to carry out preventive work on the column and somehow maintain it, some knowledge and skills are required. Even a banal change of batteries in this device sometimes confuses. Let's look at everything in order.

The reason for the rapid loss of battery charge in a gas water heater

As a rule, batteries from well-known manufacturers from not the cheapest segment last a very long time. But it also happens that they sit down quickly.

What's the matter? Why was such money paid? Most likely, it's not them. It's time to diagnose the gas water heater. A number of factors influence the fact that good and expensive batteries seem to fly from a machine gun into the trash bin. Rapid wear is a consequence of the following problems:The battery-powered gas water heater does not light.

Problem one - there is very high humidity in the room

If there is a lot of moisture in the room, it will eventually settle on the elements of the water heating system. And since they are made of metal, the oxidation process begins, from which the contacts become covered with rust.

This can be recognized if the batteries become very hot during use.

To avoid such problems (rust formation), the ventilation system in the room must be designed with high quality and, naturally, the room must be ventilated every day.

Problem two - ionization sensors do not work correctly

The device has a sensor whose task is to control the fire that occurs in the burner. If for some reason it moves from its original position, it will stop responding to fire and, naturally, signals this. The system, and in particular the solenoid valve, blocks the gas supply. To rekindle the fire, the battery is forced to give up another portion of its energy. You need to check the position of the transducer and return it to its original position.Gas water heater flame ionization sensor.

Problem three - the ignition electrode is displaced

When the ignition system starts, a spark should appear in a split second.

But if the ignition electrode is not in its place, then this time increases. If you notice that after pressing the button the flame appears over a longer period of time, then you need to adjust the electrode so that it is located directly next to the burner.

Problem four - malfunctions in the control unit

The unit that controls the entire system is powered by batteries. In fact, he himself can influence the fact that the latter quickly fail. The presence of minor faults forces intensive energy consumption to ensure operation.

Some preventive troubleshooting work can be done by yourself. But before this, you must make sure that both gas and water are turned off.

Important! Do not forget that any equipment related to gas, including geysers, are dangerous devices. It is better to leave all work related to repairs or preventive maintenance to specialists. And if the speaker was purchased recently and is under warranty, then it cannot be opened at all. Any violation of integrity will lead to loss of warranty and, accordingly, termination of free service.

How to change batteries

It is human nature to have doubts about everything new. The fear of damaging something through inept actions is quite natural. In fact, there is nothing complicated about replacing the batteries of a geyser. You just need to follow the description below.

The batteries are located in such a way that access to them is as easy as possible: usually this is the lower part of the speaker body, getting them out of there does not require much effort.

The compartment in which the batteries are located has two versions:

  • retractable;
  • closed with latches.

To open the drawer, just press on its wall.

If the compartment has latches, the batteries are usually located in a vertical position. Using a latch, they are securely fixed and when the compartment is opened, they do not fly out.

To remove old batteries and replace them, follow these steps:

  • first of all, we shut off the flow of gas and water to the column;
  • open the battery compartment - either by pressing on it or by bending the locking latch;
  • remove the used batteries;
  • install new batteries, checking their polarity;
  • we install the compartment in its place - a click will let us know that it has closed correctly;
  • We reopen the gas and water supply.How to change batteries.

It's time for a test run. If everything is installed correctly, the gas will ignite instantly.

How to choose batteries to replace old ones

In order not to bother yourself with thoughts about buying new batteries for the speaker, worrying whether they will fit or not, just take used ones and ask the seller for a similar product.

In addition, after taking the offered batteries, check the following points:

  • until what date are the batteries usable?
  • is the packaging intact?
  • is there any damage or other signs of use on the case;
  • whether the shape of the batteries has been changed.

These days, the market is flooded with various copies of high-quality products, which, although they cost much less, do not correspond to the declared characteristics. And the goods are stored, often with violations. But all this does not prolong the operating time.

Attention! Don't try to save an extra penny on batteries. A product purchased in the metro most likely does not have a quality certificate, and therefore will not be particularly reliable in operation. It is better to overpay a little and purchase batteries in specialized stores. Remember: operating a gas water heater with low-quality batteries can cause a fire and render expensive equipment unusable.

Is it possible to turn on a gas water heater without batteries?

The question is quite sensitive and, as with any similar question, there is a desire to answer immediately No, but, unfortunately, this will be a deception, since a number of models of geysers have the ability to light them yourself.In fact, it is as simple as it is dangerous.

If the column is not equipped with a special protective system, then by unscrewing the hot water mixer, you can ignite the gas in the burner with a regular match. In this way, the ignition effect will be achieved, as in the old Soviet gas water heaters.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with such games with the speaker. This could very well lead to an explosion. Gas “does not like” when jokes are made with him in this way, and very often it ends sadly. It's much easier to walk to the store and buy new batteries. At the same time, breathe some air and stretch your legs.

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