How to revive a battery

Batteries often fail at the most inopportune moments. It’s good if you have a supply on hand, and changing elements will take a few minutes. It’s worse when there is no such supply and you can’t buy the right battery right away. If there is no other one, you will have to bring the existing one back to life. Keep in mind: this is real! And after “revitalization” it will serve for some time until you buy the right one.

How to revive a battery

Ways to “revive” batteries

In order to return the element to functionality, you can use several methods.

We use force

If a part that has ceased to show signs of life is applied mechanical impact, she will still serve. This is not difficult to do.


The battery is tapped. Take any hard object: a tablespoon, large tailor's scissors, a stone, a hammer. You can tap the battery on the tabletop or another battery. Or throw it so that it hits the wall.

Reference. Mechanical tapping returns the battery to work for several days.

Can be applied another type of impact - compression. For this you will need pliers. They compress the body in its middle part. Moreover, they do this quite sensitively; dents may even be noticeable on the body.

Important! Compression is not recommended for miniature elements, which may collapse as a result.

We influence with heat

warm up

Heating is another effective method that helps revive the battery. The heat source can be hot water, a heating radiator. Sometimes a window sill heated by the hot sun helps. Or even warmed up in your hands.

Important! Do not heat lithium miniature “tablets” - this is dangerous!

  • To warm up the battery, you can immerse in a container of hot water. Leave it in water for 20 minutes. You will have to wait until the battery is completely dry before use.
  • For greater reliability, some users prefer a method that was popular during the time of shortage. Then tape batteries boiled, immersed in salt water. Before boiling, remove any existing wrappers from the elements. Before use, dry and then apply a layer of electrical tape.
  • You can warm up the part on a hot radiator or heating device.

Important! When heating batteries, it is not recommended to expose them to open flame!



There is another effective way - recharging. However, only experienced technicians should use it.

For refueling use hydrochloric acid (10%) or high percentage vinegar.

The charging procedure requires opening the cell housing. Two holes are made in it near the carbon rods. Acid or vinegar is injected into them using a syringe. Leave for several hours, then seal the holes with plasticine, sealant or wax. All! You can insert the reanimated element into the device.

Whatever revival method you choose, be careful! If the element body is damaged or swollen, do not continue experiments! Your safety is more important than a couple of days of extra work for him!

Comments and feedback:

I squeezed my finger with satis, and for the watch it was enough for 4 days


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