How to determine the expiration date of a Duracell AA battery

Have you ever experienced the surprise or disappointment of buying a new battery? No? And if at home it turned out that it was long past its expiration date - has this ever happened? Most likely, it happened, and more than once. The battery itself may be good, but it was lying in warehouses for so long, and in the store itself, that it managed to run out. To avoid such troubles, you need to be able to determine the shelf life of a product. And for this you need to know where this very deadline can be seen.

Do AA and rechargeable batteries have an expiration date?

It seems like a strange question, but it puzzles many. Many users believe that batteries have an unlimited shelf life. They assume that if the battery is not used, its charge remains unchanged. This is very far from the truth. Any product has its own expiration date. And batteries are no exception. You should remember this and carefully check whether the product is expired when you buy it.Shelf life.

Reference. Some items cannot be returned after purchase. Batteries also fall into this category.That is why it is necessary to carefully check their quality before buying, and also look at when their service life expires. For example, salt cells can last no more than three years, after which there will be no charge left in them. Alkaline-based batteries will last about seven years. Lithium-based options have a longer service life. They retain their properties for ten years.

What affects battery life?

All batteries are stored differently. The duration depends on the type of product and the technology used in production. But if the batteries are of the same type, then regardless of which company they are made by, they will be stored the same way.

Salt power sources

Elements of this type are used in equipment that consumes a small amount of electricity. The technology for their manufacture is simple and straightforward. Electrodes for them are made of manganese or zinc. They are connected to each other by a salt bridge. Ammonium chloride is used to make the electrolyte.

If the conditions for keeping these batteries are favorable, then they can retain their working properties for two years, but no more. Accordingly, the earlier they were manufactured from the date of purchase, the worse the quality of their work will be.

Alkaline Power Supplies

Alkaline-based batteries are of fairly high quality and retain their properties for quite a long time. Due to this, they are preferred by the majority. Alkaline batteries, also known as alkaline batteries, contain an electrolyte made from potassium hydroxide. Zinc or manganese is used for electrodes. The power of this product is high, it is stored for a long time, but even if all storage rules are followed, this period will not exceed five years.The longer this element is not used for its intended purpose, the smaller its capacity becomes.

Lithium power supplies

Such batteries are used in devices that are quite powerful. It is based on lithium, and a variety of materials are used to produce the anode. The manufacturing technology of such a battery is much more complex than that of the listed analogues, but it can be stored for up to ten, and in the best case, up to twelve years.

Then the charge gradually decreases. It is worth noting that if the battery was stored without following the rules, then its capacity will be lost much more rapidly. If you are not sure where and how the product was stored, it is better not to buy batteries with an expiration date.

Silver and zinc based batteries

To produce the anode in this battery, zinc is used, and the cathode is made of silver. Hence the name silver-zinc. For the electrolyte, use an alkaline solution of sodium or potassium. These products are stored for a very long time, about fifteen years. During the entire storage period, as manufacturers assure, neither capacity nor power should decrease.Expiration date on the package.

Oxygen and zinc based batteries

The cathode of this product is made of zinc, and the anode is ordinary oxygen. The electrolyte is made of alkali metal hydroxide. Shelf life is extremely low. Even manufacturers say that only with exceptional luck will such an element last a little more than two years. But if you even slightly break the seal of the battery by peeling off its tape, then its operation will immediately begin, since it comes into contact with air.

Important. It should be noted that if the battery has only been used for a few hours, it will still continue to lose its charge. And this does not depend on the conditions of its storage.

How to find out the expiration date of Duracell AA batteries

According to the law, any battery must go on sale with an expiration date marked on its case. As a rule, the date of its production is written on the packaging or on the battery case. The production date appears as a combination of letters and numbers. This inscription is quite easy to decipher:

  • one or two digits indicate the year;
  • the month is indicated - it can be written in the form of numbers, or it can be given a letter designation;
  • the day of manufacture is indicated.Shelf life of Duracell type AA.

For example, if the code is 80513, then the release date is May 8, 2013.

Sometimes in the very last place after the issue date code there are two letters that are separated by a hyphen from the main text. Typically this is specified in coded form by the supplier. But this information is not important to us.

Batteries and accumulators have completely different markings.

The service life is influenced by many different factors, but the most important thing is what chemicals the cathode, anode and, of course, the electrolyte are made from.

If we consider the average values, the data are as follows:

  • The salt battery is good for up to 2 years;
  • alkaline can be used for up to 5 years;
  • mercury is enough for 9 years;
  • lithium can be used for up to 12 years;
  • silver holds a charge for up to 15 years.

A variety of companies sell and produce batteries. Duracell, Energizer, Camelion, GP are rightfully considered recognized leaders in this industry. In almost every store and even in stalls you can buy salt or alkaline batteries.

If you need elements based on lithium or silver, you will have to go to stores that specialize in such products. Such batteries are quite expensive for ordinary buyers.The batteries you see most rarely on sale are mercury-based batteries. Despite the fact that they are very capacious and last a long time, if they are damaged there is a high probability of toxic contamination.

Most manufacturers, in order to increase the number of sales of their goods during promotions, try to mislead buyers. Each of them claims that their product lasts longer than competitors’ analogues.

For example, you can often hear that Duracell Turbo Max can last ten years. One could agree with this if we were talking about lithium or silver batteries, but when the conversation is about salt or alkaline batteries, promises should not be trusted. As a rule, advertising does not say that the duration of operation depends on a huge number of different factors that are simply impossible to comply with in ordinary life.

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