Electric razor care

Razor with kitComfort during daily shaving is very important for delicate facial skin. Any electric razor requires maintenance to ensure trouble-free operation. To make your device last much longer, it is enough to perform a few simple manipulations after each shave.

How to properly clean an electric razor: instructions for proper cleaning

Rinse the razorIf your device uses the wet shaving method, then after completing the hygiene procedure, it is enough to rinse the device under running hot water and dry thoroughly. To do this you need:

  • disconnect the device from the power supply;
  • Apply a little liquid soap to the mesh;
  • turn on the device - it runs on battery power;
  • Rinse shaving heads under running water;
  • remove the shaving part itself and wash it separately under running hot water to remove not only the stubble, but also the remnants of exfoliated skin and fat;
  • turn off the device, remove the protective grid and shaving unit, let all parts of the razor dry thoroughly.
  • Assemble the razor parts and install them.

If your razor model supports the dry method, then after use it is enough to clean the device with a special brush, which is included in the kit.

  • turn off the device and disconnect it from the power supply;
  • remove the protective mesh and cutting unit, carefully remove any remaining bristles from the internal unit using a brush;
  • Important: do not use a brush when cleaning the cutting part, this may damage it;
  • reinstall all parts.

Proper care of an electric razor

Electric razor cleaning schemeMany men ignore the rules for cleaning their appliances. More expensive models are equipped with a self-cleaning system or have a sensor indicating the need to clean the razor. More budget models require cleaning after each use. This way you can maximize the service life of the device. 5 - 10 minutes of your time will greatly facilitate, and most likely will not lead to the cost of new knife plates. You also need to periodically lubricate the blade parts.

  • After each use, turn off the razor from the power supply;
  • Clean according to the operating method of your device (depending on dry or wet shaving);
  • change the blade parts regularly and lubricate them (about once every 6 months);
  • About once every six months, completely discharge the battery and also fully charge it, this will ensure its long service life;
  • try to keep the device away from moisture;

Important: do not use the device when the wire is not insulated, if you hear unusual sounds or smell a burning smell.

Lubricating, cleaning and maintaining your electric shaver

Electric razor lubricationThe lubricant is commercially available and you can easily purchase it. Lubrication is needed in order to maintain the sharpness of the blades and reduce the negative impact on the shaving parts. If you clean the razor under hot running water, then it is better to apply lubricant every time or after 1 - 2 uses of the razor. To lubricate the razor you need to:

  • place a few drops of lubricant on the shaving head;
  • turn on the razor and let the lubricant penetrate into the cutting parts for 1 - 2 minutes;
  • turn off the device;
  • Use a dry, clean cloth to remove any remaining lubricant if it gets on the razor body.

Important: do not touch the surface of the shaving head with the cloth, make sure that there is not too much lubricant and it does not leak out of the cutting parts.

Caring for your Philips, Panasonic razor

PhillipsMany new generation razors have a self-cleaning function and can also tell you when the razor is dirty and needs cleaning. Every manufacturer is trying to improve their product, razors are no exception. Thus, the manufacturer Philips offers special self-cleaning cartridges, special razor care products to facilitate the care of electric razors, and has also developed a special system for cleaning and charging electric razors of this brand.

Like Philips, Panasonic also cares about making its devices last as long as possible, so a whole line of care products has been developed specifically for the company's razors, from small things such as brushes to replacement razor parts. In order for your razor to serve you for a long time, you should take a little care of its cleanliness. Just a few minutes a day guarantees a quality shave and a long service life.

Comments and feedback:

I purchased a Philips electric razor model HQ9020. I am very pleased with the purchase, because... The electric razor is very easy to use, shaves cleanly, the spring-loaded knives easily change geometry, and therefore any parts of the face and neck are accessible to them, and there is absolutely no skin irritation.Unfortunately, the nets have worn out, and there is no way to purchase them in Volgograd. Can you please tell me how to purchase the nets?


And the Kharkov electric razor is simple and more reliable. It served for 20 years and the need to change screens and knives never arose. The steel turned out to be strong and durable. I lubricated it only once a year, not more often.


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