Fusion style in the interior

An esthete who decides to decorate the interior in a particular design style when renovating an apartment or buying a new home needs to know its features and follow these canons. If you don’t really want to force yourself into the framework of any one format, there is a way out - to combine different ones. This article will discuss just such a combination, called fusion style.


A little history

Experts are still arguing in which country this design trend originated. Some consider it their homeland USA, and others - an exotic country Philippines. Be that as it may, fusion quickly spread throughout the world. Its heyday began in the 80s, when many talented designers worked in this style.

Main features

The very definition of “fusion” speaks about the main feature of this design. In Russian, the word means “a fusion of different”, that is, styles that do not fit together with each other. Moreover, in the end, a harmonious combination of them is achieved (or should be achieved).

This means that fusion has incorporated unique features of various other directions design art. Specialists and true amateur connoisseurs are not surprised by the presence in the interior of the room of a Doric-style column supporting the ceiling and next to it a wicker country chair standing next to it, clearly modern in appearance.They will immediately say that the interior was created by a designer who is well versed in the direction and will pay tribute to the tastes of the owner. And, oddly enough, this column will really look harmonious next to the chair!


Another important feature of the style is possibility of constant interior development. If in most other formats adding a new element of furniture is problematic and can lead to a sharp change in appearance, then in the fusion style a well-chosen new item will easily fit into the interior. There are no canons that say this chair or armchair doesn’t go here.

The only significant requirement for interior design in this style is the presence of a sense of proportion. A combination of too flashy colors or overly pretentious pieces of furniture will not always be in keeping with the theme. Porridge can be ruined by oil, especially by machine.

Color spectrum


Most often, the following colors are used when decorating a room in fusion format:

  • red-brown and beige tones;
  • turquoise;
  • white;
  • black;
  • grey;
  • fuchsia color (so you understand - something between purple and pink);
  • lilac.

Fusion style leaves great freedom of choice in wall decoration. Wallpaper with drawings, wall frescoes and mosaics would be quite appropriate. Often images of animals and plants are painted on the walls. But you can go overboard with this. Then elegant fusion turns into tasteless kitsch.

Requirements for materials and furniture


Fusion does not impose such stringent requirements on materials decoration and furniture characteristic of other elegant and aristocratic styles. Along with natural wood, fabric, marble, it also allows the use of cheap finishing materials - plastic, all kinds of chipboards and MDF for furniture.The main requirement here is the presence of a pronounced external texture and harmony of surfaces with the tactile sensations they evoke.

In the living room and bedroom, wooden furniture upholstered in natural fabric or leather would be appropriate. A rug will look very good on the floor. Moreover, not only traditional models, but also carpets imitating animal skins will please the eye. It is absolutely not necessary to take the life of the same poor bear or elk.

Perfect for kitchen decoration untreated wood, brick, concrete, decorative stone - they will give the room a unique flavor.

Lighting requirements


Lighting devices should not be too weak or too powerful. In a dark room, small interior details may be invisible. And if a lamp is installed that is too powerful, then the flow of light can absorb the bright details of the interior, visually making them tacky and even ridiculous. In short, we need a golden mean. You don’t have to get attached to any particular type of chandelier. If you like it and it looks good, then this is a fusion style chandelier.

A good option to consider is spot lighting with diffused light. It is better to mount the lamps evenly throughout the entire area of ​​the roomso that every element of its interior is well lit.

Fusion is a modern style of design art. It provides designers and apartment owners with complete freedom of creativity, while at the same time placing increased demands on a sense of proportion and aesthetic ideas. If you have artistic taste, it is quite possible to think through the design of your apartment yourself, without turning to professionals.

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