Shadow stretch ceiling

Stretch ceilings as decoration in apartments and houses have long ceased to be a luxury. New types of canvases and installation methods began to appear. This system just refers to innovative methods.

A shadow ceiling is an installation technology that provides the “correct” gap between the wall and the canvas. As a result, we get the effect of a “floating” ceiling. It looks very stylish, attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

In the article I will tell you how it differs from the usual one and outline the advantages of the design.


Shadow profile for suspended ceilings - what is it?

The main difference between the EUROKRAAB system, which ensures a loose fit of the fabric, - in the structure. Short rear lip (fastening) and sloped profile, as well as the original black color. In addition, manufacturers strongly recommend using a harpoon, exclusively black, when installing the canvas. Taken together, these criteria give a rich black color to the gap. in which neither the profile nor the harpoon is visible, while creating a very realistic effect of the ceiling floating.

Dark color enhances visual perception. The internal component is not visible, even if it occurs to you to look directly between the structure and the wall.

Externally, the shadow ceiling differs from the usual one only in the gap.Its size does not exceed 6 mm, but the difference is noticeable. The canvas is placed at a distance from the wall and the hole is not covered with a baguette. Often an LED strip is installed under it, which further enhances the soaring effect.


Shadow stretch ceiling: design features with photos

At first glance, the suspended structure will seem defective or unfinished. If this option is categorically unacceptable for the interior of the room, pay attention to the gapless system. The shadow profile has a number of advantages.

The main advantage of the design is the ability to refuse to level the walls.

shadow stretch ceiling

Difference between EUROKRAAB and KRAAB systems

The two main subspecies are very different in design. The first option involves installation with a technological gap. His provides a short "lip" at the back of the base. The KRAAB gapless profile is equipped with an additional pressure cord. After installation, it presses the canvas as much as possible against the wall. Installation of a baguette is not required in this option.

Advantages of shadow ceilings

The web installation system with a technological gap has clear advantages. Professionals especially highlight:

  1. Ease of dismantling and wallpapering with an already installed stretch ceiling.
  2. Freedom of air flow, which protects against the formation of mold and mildew.
  3. Does not expose wall defects and makes them visually invisible.

This design is considered an ideal option for walls with 3D design or embossed wallpaper.

shadow stretch ceiling

Installation features

The emphasized rigor of the suspended structure is ensured by the clarity and skill of installation. Contact trusted companies with numerous positive reviews. This is the only way to be sure of the quality of the repairs performed.

The complexity of installation is especially noticeable when installing profile sections at corners.

I note that the profile is very rigid and does not allow the canvas to “walk”. Thanks to this quality, the ceiling becomes perfectly level and clearly defines the boundaries. Fastening systems provide additional rigidity. To install the profile correctly, you need to have precisely verified dimensions and correctly mark out the room.

profile for shadow stretch ceiling

Shadow ceiling is a modern, stylish solution for premises. It is aesthetically beautiful and attractive, and can be used in interiors for minimalist, high-tech, Scandinavian, loft and similar styles. Technological the clearance allows you to paint walls and re-glue wallpaper without dismantling ceiling, which is also incredibly technological.

In addition, thanks to recent developments, it has been possible to create solutions that allow the shadow profile to be mounted on different planes, solving various technological problems.

shadow ceiling

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