How to wash whitewash from the ceiling?

Whitewashing the ceiling is a common finishing method. Several decades ago, this was the only option to transform the ceiling plane. Having decided to refresh the renovation and give the apartment a modern look, a person is faced with the problem of removing the old covering. You have to work in an awkward position, and the material itself is not easy to remove. To do this, use water, wallpaper glue, newspapers, special compounds or homemade products. I'll tell you about several effective ways that will help you get the job done quickly and easily.

removing old whitewash from the ceiling

Methods for removing old whitewash

Removing a layer of whitewash paste is quite simple. For this a minimum set of tools required and plenty of time. The problem is that the working field is located above your head, which means you will have to be in an uncomfortable position on a stepladder for long hours. To speed up the process, you need to know effective means.

There are two types of whitewash - chalk and lime. You can determine which one you have using liquid. The first absorbs moisture, and on the second the drops hang on the plane.


A simple and effective method of removal. To work, you will need a spatula, a spray bottle, a clean rag and a roller. The whole procedure consists of generously wetting the ceiling.

Please note: water is applied so that it does not flow from the surface onto the floor.

Next, wet the surface again (10 minutes after the first spraying). They wait and begin to remove the coating. Dismantling occurs in layers. If this is not the case for you, wait until it dries.

After removing the coating, wash the surface with a soft cloth. Once everything is dry, swipe it with your finger. Are there traces of chalk left? You'll have to wash the ceiling again and check it again.

The main disadvantage of this method is the abundance of dirt. Before washing, it is better to cover the floor with film and remove all furniture from the room.

removing whitewash from the ceiling

Newspaper + paste

If there is a need to remove the coating without dirt, use newspaper sheets and cheap glue. The operating principle is simple:

  • prepare the composition by diluting it with warm water and cooling it to room temperature;
  • old tabloids are impregnated with the resulting mixture and applied to the ceiling, leaving small corners bent;
  • wait until they dry, and then sharply tear them off along with the whitewash layer;
  • Wash off the residue with a cloth and soapy water.

Important wait until completely dry. Otherwise the result will be unsatisfactory.

removing whitewash from the ceiling

Special composition

In construction stores there are mixtures on sale that will help you easily and quickly wash off whitewash from the ceiling surface. All that is required is to spray the composition, wait until a crust forms on the surface, and then remove it with a spatula.

The advantage of this method is the absence of dust. But he still belongs to the “dirty” category.

Homemade remedy

If none of the above methods suits you, prepare the solution yourself. To do this, follow the diagram:

  1. Fill a container with 5 liters of water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. l. table vinegar and bubble bath (several caps).
  3. Apply the mixture to a small area of ​​the ceiling and wait 5 minutes.
  4. Clean the surface with a spatula.
  5. Wash the plane.

Often as a supplement use table salt. It is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1:10. This is an effective and safe whitewash remover.


There is a so-called “dry” method for removing old coating. A spatula with a built-in container that allows you to mechanically remove the decorative layer from the ceiling. The disadvantage of this option is the formation of a large amount of dust. Don't forget to wear respiratory protection.

removing whitewash from the ceiling

An important step is surface preparation

Please note: washing off the whitewash is the dirty part of dismantling work. It assumes the presence of dust and drips. Therefore, it is important to properly prepare the room in advance, before starting work.

First of all, we clear the room of furniture and household appliances. If this is not possible, cover with a thick layer of film. For work you will need protective clothing, a hat and a respirator. The latter is especially necessary in the case of dry dismantling.

To feel comfortable while working, prepare a stepladder or table of sufficient height. It will be easy to reach the ceiling from it. After everything is prepared, we get to work.

When does whitewash need to be washed off?

Some finishing options do without removing chalk from the rough coating. For example, a suspended or suspended ceiling can be easily installed on an old coating without resorting to “dirty” work. But there are cases when this is necessary:

  1. When mold appears. Not only cleaning is required, but also additional treatment with special means to prevent the spread of fungus.
  2. Before painting. Water-based compositions will not lay down in an even layer if the rough ceiling is not cleaned properly enough. Wash the surface thoroughly before applying the decorative layer.
  3. Before tiling with polystyrene foam. To ensure that the panels lay flat and do not form gaps, it is important to maintain a level. A layer that is not removed will distort the surface. As a result, the finished ceiling will be crooked.

If you plan to renew the coating with whitewash, it is not necessary to remove the old coating. Often the composition is applied directly over the faded finish.

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