Why are there no chandeliers in American homes?

Americans, from our point of view, have many oddities in their everyday life, which they consider normal, but it seems to us that this is complete nonsense and it is inconvenient to live like this. The lack of ceiling lighting in most rooms is one such oddity. If we go into the living room of any of the indigenous people, it will be problematic to see the usual chandelier or even spotlights there. But observing all kinds of light bulbs, sconces, floor lamps and lots of candles is always welcome. Where the tradition of not installing ceiling lights came from and how Americans compensate for the lack of light, I will tell you in the article.

lighting in the American home

Overhead light is a luxury!

One of the reasons why Americans do not use chandeliers in their interiors is the desire to reduce housing costs as much as possible. Many developers, trying to increase sales of built residential apartments and houses, completely refuse to run a network along the ceiling to install a chandelier. If a person decides to install overhead lighting in his apartment, he will have to seriously fork out money for a professional electrician. He will be able to install the necessary wires and cables without destroying half the house. Since the ceilings of American homes are usually heated, all work must be carried out exclusively by a professional.

Important! In addition, utility rates in the United States are quite high, so many people try to save money on this as well.

Rational Americans believed that they could easily cope with the twilight with other light sources:

  • sconce;
  • floor lamps;
  • desk lamp;
  • a large number of wax candles and others.

Many light sources in one room are a feature of any American interior. This type of lighting was even included in design textbooks as original and interesting for use in other countries.

How to live without a chandelier?

In fact, chandeliers are present in the homes of the indigenous people of the country. They are usually hung in the dining room, above the dining table, and in the kitchen to make cooking convenient.

living room in America


There is usually no chandelier in the living room, and for good reason. Americans believe that there is no need for an overhead light source in this room. Family members watch TV or read books in the living room, and spot lighting is enough for this.

Residents of the United States feel absolutely comfortable lighting hundreds of candles every evening and being content with a faint flicker. For a Russian person, this option is not suitable. This, of course, is good for a romantic meeting with a loved one and creates a special aura in the room, but it is not suitable for spending time in the evening after a hard day at work.

Important! In wealthy houses and detached buildings, residents can choose any lighting method to their liking. You can also warn the developer of an apartment building that a chandelier is planned. But for this whim you will have to pay a lot of money.

Americans are accustomed to this way of life and do not pay attention to the inconvenience. But in their home appliance stores, lamps and fixtures are selling like hot cakes. And the choice here is colossal, for every taste and budget.

bedroom in America

Many Russians who have moved to another continent are surprised by such “wrong” habits of arranging apartments. For most Russians, a chandelier is not only a way to illuminate a room, but also a source of pride. During renovation, the most expensive and beautiful one is selected. Therefore, we, Russians, will never understand Americans on this issue.

Comments and feedback:

Is the chandelier selected the most expensive and beautiful? Well, the author probably judges on his own)) First of all, a chandelier is selected that is suitable for the design of the living room. And it doesn’t have to be the most expensive.


For example, I removed all the ceiling lighting in the form of chandeliers and use only local lighting. It is compact and targeted.


It’s more comfortable with local lighting!…


“In fact, chandeliers are present in the homes of the indigenous people of the country” - and the indigenous people are not Americans?

Evlampy Sukhodrishchev

no, the indigenous people are blacks


You are as much an expert as the author.

Evlampy Sukhodrishchev

Our houses have both chandeliers, sconces, and floor lamps. Chandeliers can be a point source of lighting when one (several) light bulbs are turned on, commensurate with their power. “For convenient viewing of TV, US residents light hundreds of candles, content with a faint flicker”...
Wax candles? Soot cannot be avoided. If the electric candles flicker, it means they are faulty. Well, you can’t live in a house where it’s New Year’s Eve all year round - otherwise, hang a garland on the Christmas tree and let it stand there to create “coziness.”
“The ceilings of American homes are typically heated.” Heat the ceiling? Maybe there is still a warm floor?!

Sasha Titov

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