Stretch ceiling in the bathroom: pros and cons

Stretch ceiling is a popular and affordable type of finishing. But the bathroom has its own nuances that are worth considering.

Among the advantages of stretch fabric are: simplicity and speed of installation, environmental friendliness, durability and moisture impermeability. But there are also a number of disadvantages - a decrease in the height of the room, lack of breathability and difficulty in maintenance.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages.

suspended ceiling in the bathroom

Is it possible to install a suspended ceiling in a bathroom?

The market for modern finishing methods is diverse. Manufacturers offer innovative materials that not only effectively complement the chosen design, but also easily protect apartment owners from flooding by neighbors above, as well as meet sanitary standards.

Most fabrics allow air to pass through freely, which prevents the formation of fungus and mold.

Thus, it can be installed in the bathroom. The main thing is to choose the canvas wisely. Maintenance is supposed to be simple and easy, while the fabric allows air to pass through and retains moisture in case of flooding.

suspended ceiling in the bathroom

Main disadvantages

There aren't many downsides. Inexpensive type of finishing transforms the interior. The space after installation looks neat and beautiful.

Please note that the canvas only looks good in a room with a height of at least 2.5 m. This is due to the low mounting with a distance of 30–40 cm from the ceiling.

In a room with poor ventilation

If there is no forced ventilation, moisture will accumulate in the space behind the ceiling. This happens due to insufficient hygroscopicity. Air flows do not penetrate under the fabric or pass in insufficient quantities to evaporate accumulated moisture. As a result - formation of mold and mildewthat can seriously harm human health.

There is only one way out of this situation - to choose high-quality fabrics that allow air to pass freely. It is also worth taking care of installing forced ventilation. It will help cope with moisture stagnation.

Ventilation is installed under fabric or film. This is an important nuance that is taken into account during installation.

mold and mildew under the suspended ceiling in the bathroom

After the flood

One of the main advantages of stretch fabric is the ability of the material to hold large volumes of water. To drain the accumulated moisture, they call a specialist. After draining, the fabric is put back in place, but do this absolutely not possible.

The fact is that the moisture seeping along the slabs and ceilings will dry for a long time. If you put the film in place, the wet spot is literally preserved. Subsequently, it will turn into an island of mold, growing at tremendous speed. In this case, it is possible to restore the canvas after the flood only after complete drying or in the presence of forced ventilation in the ceiling space.

suspended ceiling in the bathroom

Difficulties of care

This is not too big a minus, but still. PVC films do not allow moisture to pass through, but steam and drops of water leave streaks on them. Will have to wash several times a year. Moreover, use special chemicals and soft rags for this. Hard sponges or brushes can damage delicate material.

Fabric ceilings often cannot be cleaned with improvised means. And this is a huge difficulty.

Advantages of a stretch ceiling in the bathroom

In addition to a few disadvantages, the suspended ceiling in the bathroom has a number of advantages. In particular:

  1. Durability. A high-quality canvas, if installed correctly and following hygienic standards, will last at least 15 years in its original form.
  2. Environmental friendliness. Modern materials do not contain harmful substances and do not emit them when heated.
  3. Hygiene. The surface of the fabric is impregnated with special compounds. They prevent the formation of fungus and mold.
  4. Leak protection. The bathroom will be protected from the negligence of careless neighbors. The moisture will linger, preventing it from ruining the situation.
  5. Noise insulation. A suspended ceiling provides a certain percentage of noise protection. This is an important aspect for residents of apartment buildings with good audibility.

The canvases are easy to install. Installation specialists note that with theoretical knowledge, a person will be able to install the structure independently. And most canvases don't require any special equipment.

suspended ceiling in the bathroom

What material to choose for the bathroom?

It is more practical to choose PVC film for finishing the ceiling in the bathroom. It is easy to use and does not absorb dirt like fabric ones do. Matte fabrics are easy to wash, stains are not visible on them. A reasonable price and ease of installation are additional bonuses. However, in this category of ceilings there is a poor choice of shades. As a rule, they are limited only to light colors and pastel colors.

Glossy ones look richer, but also cost much more.The color palette is extensive. Due to the reflection of light and extraordinary shine, the ceilings seem higher and there is more light. But on the glossy surface, stains and abrasions from cleaning products are clearly visible. This is the main and significant disadvantage.

suspended ceiling in the bathroom

Based on the above, we note that installing a suspended ceiling in the bathroom possible and even necessary. But you need to choose the material, color and structure carefully. The ceiling is not only visual appeal, but also functionality.

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