Indoor flowers that will preserve your peace and prosperity

Indoor plants decorate the interior of the house, lift your spirits, and neutralize the harmful effects of technology. But besides this, plants can influence the energy of the inhabitants of the house. Some flowers help restore strength, others help you survive life's troubles more easily. By purchasing a houseplant, a person not only brings something new to his room, but also acquires a home talisman.

indoor flowers talismans

When choosing a flower as a talisman, you need to take into account its color. Thus, red flowers give confidence, warm in the cold season and fill with energy, while blue flowers bring tenderness and enhance receptivity.

Flowers against negative energy

If conflicts and quarrels often occur in the house, then decoratively blooming begonia will help neutralize the accumulated negative energy. This flower has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps the inhabitants of the house cope with hidden irritation.

Unpretentious cacti absorb negativity perfectly. They absorb the anger accumulated in the house, thereby discharging the energy space.


cactus absorbs any negativity

Flower of balance – calla. The house in which calla lilies grow will be cleansed of negative energy. These flowers are especially useful for people suffering from depression and bad mood.Callas bring joy and help owners find inner harmony.


flower of harmony - calla

Tradescantia will restore energy balance after communicating with people spreading negativity. It is most effective against the energy of envy, competition and greed.


tradescantia from the evil eye

If there is an atmosphere of despondency and apathy in the house, then you should think about purchasing balsam. This plant perfectly relieves the atmosphere and fills the room with the energy of joy and fun.

indoor balsam

indoor balsam

Helps cope with depression and Kalanchoe – it serves as a talisman against prolonged despondency and melancholy, helps overcome apathy and increases resistance to life’s troubles.

If there is not enough creative energy in the life of the inhabitants of the house and thoughts are too overloaded with material problems, It’s worth getting a golden scindapsus. This plant is recommended for people of creative professions who are in a state of lack of inspiration.

scindapsus aureus

golden scindapsus for peace

Flowers against headache problems

Another flower serving talisman against anger - geranium. The purchase of this plant will be very useful for people prone to increased irritability and attacks of aggression. In addition, geranium has healing properties in the fight against headaches.


geranium for headaches

Flowers that have flowers help against headaches calming effect - camellia, violet. Such flowers relieve accumulated fatigue, bring a state of peace and tranquility to the house, and at the same time the residents’ migraines disappear and their overall well-being improves.

camellia roomantana

indoor camellia will relieve stress

Flowers help cope with many diseases.A house in which a myrtle tree grows will be free from colds and other seasonal viruses, and if you plant aloe in a room, sick residents will soon notice an improvement in their well-being.

Flowers-mascots for money, financial well-being

Most often they place it in homes as a money talisman. pots of Crassula, not coincidentally known as the money tree. But other plants are also capable of giving their owners material well-being.


fat woman to attract finance

To attract money can be placed in the room dracaena. Other plants from warm latitudes are also suitable - palm, bamboo. The house in which such a money talisman is installed will be prosperous and prosperous, and the owners will certainly have good luck in their careers and business.


dracaena source of finance

In Asian countries South American bougainvillea is considered a plant of wealth. She earned such fame thanks to her leaves, which are similar to paper money.



In the USA and Eastern countries considered a money tree not a fat woman, but pachira. This plant, related to the baobab, has deservedly gained fame as a money magnet.



In Feng Shui practices, to increase wealth, it is recommended to plant scindapsus. And another popular plant – lemon, in addition to money, will bring a charge of positive energy and vigor to the owners’ home.


scindapsus will increase prosperity

Promotes career growth acquisition cactus – it will make the owner’s character lively, confident and purposeful, and this will have a positive impact on success in work.

Flowers-mascots for family, love and happiness

Most house plants help strengthen relationships and smooth out family conflicts.But some of the flowers are especially effective as love amulets.

If one of the spouses is prone to adultery, it is recommended to plant rose bush. These gorgeous flowers are from ancient times. symbolized love and devotion, and their energy contributes to the rapprochement of spouses and the rejection of extramarital affairs.


indoor rose - a symbol of love

Solve the problem of Hibiscus will help in the absence of a significant other – it will enhance the sexual energy of the hostess and attract a long-awaited partner into her life.


Hibiscus will help you find love

To ignite your passion, you can sprout at home avocado pit. This plant is an excellent talisman for enhancing sensuality and emancipation of spouses.

Many plants serve as amulets tenderness in love relationships. These include violets, hoya ivy, calathea.


calathea - a symbol of family happiness

If for a long time can't have children, then it’s worth planting in your home spathiphyllum. It promotes the birth of children and also harmonizes relationships. And this plant will help lonely girls find their lover.


Spathiphyllum will help you get pregnant

Anthurium will help men solve relationship problems – it brings back passion, increases masculinity and brings sensuality back into married life.


anthurium - a symbol of masculinity

An ancient symbol of a strong family - the myrtle tree. According to biblical legend, Adam and Eve were allowed to take a single plant with them from paradise, and they took with them a sprig of myrtle. Traditionally, myrtle sprigs decorate bouquets at weddings of English royal families. And if the spouses decide to decorate their home with this unpretentious plant, their marriage will be happy and strong.

myrtle tree

Myrtle tree is a source of well-being in everything

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