What things in the house attract troubles and loneliness?

Are unpleasant events happening to you more and more often? Troubles, conflicts and disappointments lurk around every corner. In addition, things are not going well on the personal front - your loved one has left or you are still searching.
All these failures and loneliness can easily be attributed to fate, the evil eye or the crown of celibacy. But it is much more difficult to admit that everything that happens to us depends only on us. And we decide what our environment and destiny will be.

Things with repulsive energy

And the first thing we should pay attention to is the things around us. Not people, but things in our home or office. Without knowing it, we can keep objects nearby that attract failure and loneliness.

things with negative energy
Of course, simply getting rid of them will not be enough - the problems will not disappear in the blink of an eye, but you have to start somewhere.
After all, even in childhood, we learned from our grandmothers and mothers that breaking a mirror is bad luck, that you can’t keep things in the house after hours, and that you can’t bring things from the cemetery into the house.
As we grew older, we ourselves began to believe in all this and avoid such situations. The only problem is that not only a mirror and a watch can bring misfortune. We are surrounded by things with bad energy, and some people are not even aware of them, considering them a nice addition to the interior or a memorable souvenir.
Here are the TOP 10 things that you should get rid of even if everything is fine in life, who knows how this will affect the future.

Broken dishes

broken dishes

The popular saying that breaking dishes does not bring happiness here. The point is that these broken dishes should be thrown away immediately.
This includes not only broken glassware, but also cracked and chipped cups, plates and teapots.
Dishes are a symbol of family and wealth - and it’s unlikely that anyone would want their family and well-being to crack or shatter into pieces. And if the kitchen utensils were made of glass, breaking them creates a gap in the protection of yourself and your home.
Therefore, no matter how expensive or memorable a vase or other vessel is, if it is cracked or broken, throw it away immediately. And inspect for existing cracked or chipped items.

Dry flowers

dry flowers

Many housewives decorate their home with arrangements of dried flowers, believing that this will add coziness to the interior. In fact, a dried flower is, first of all, dead tissue.
It is known that outdated things cannot be useful; on the contrary, they fill the home with the energy of decay.
Some may dispute this claim, saying that they bring prosperity, and in the past there was a bouquet of dried plants in every home.
This is really true, only before they dried herbs and put them in the corner of the room, attracting well-being and repelling negative energy
This also includes dried butterflies and shells brought from the sea. And dry and withered indoor plants - either treat them, try to bring them back to life, or simply throw them away - they will not bring you any good.
An exception is a postcard with an applique of dried flowers, made by a child.

A collection of newspapers and papers

Littering your home with old newspapers and stacks of last year's magazines is already a bad idea.They complicate cleaning and collect dust that makes it impossible to breathe.
Plus, they store old news and stories. And such things belong in the past. Otherwise, they will not allow you to bring good events into your present life, clinging to the past with all their might and not wanting to let it go. Before you know it, you will stop trying something new and just go with the flow. And it doesn’t matter that you are not satisfied with the direction of this flow - the past will not allow you to change it.

old newspapers
This also includes clothes and shoes that you have not worn for more than 2-3 years. As well as any items that you bought on emotions, but never used them, and equipment that cannot be repaired.

Old damaged photos

It’s worth starting with the fact that photos and paintings that you don’t like need to be removed. You will only get upset by looking at them. And pictures depicting trouble will program your subconscious for bad events.
Damaged, dirty or distorted photographs should not be stored in the house. Such photographs can bring misfortune or illness to the person captured in them.

old photos

Now any photo can be digitized and put in order, even damaged parts of the image can be restored.
Pay special attention to photographs of deceased people. It is clear that photographs from the funeral in themselves are not fun; they will make you relive bad emotions again. If you have any, get rid of them; this will in no way offend the soul of the deceased.
But ordinary photographs of people who are no longer alive can be stored, but adhering to important nuances:

  • do not keep them framed in a visible place;
  • do not revise them often;
  • try not to pick them up often.

The best way to store photos with dear people who are no longer there is to take a special box or casket and collect all the photos and things of the deceased there.

Black bird figurines

We are overcome with an eerie feeling at the sight of a black raven sitting by the window and croaking loudly. And all because it is associated with trouble and misfortune.
According to this principle, you should not decorate the interior with figurines of various black birds - a raven, any scavenger or a wading bird.
If you really want to bring a figurine into your home, choose an elephant.

raven figurine

IMPORTANT! An elephant with its trunk up brings good luck and prosperity. But a lowered trunk or a sleeping elephant can bring depression, sadness and stress to your home.

Horns on the wall

The horns of dead animals, like dead flowers, will not bring anything good. They will only fill the house with the energy of decay. They can also lead to separation from loved ones.
Another thing is decorative antlers that are not removed from a dead animal or even artificial decoration.

horns and skull

Trash, fluff

It's not a good idea to collect junk in your home. It occupies your living space, preventing you from creating, and sometimes even breathing. Small interior items that collect dust for years accumulate all the negative energy, preventing the owner of the house from living.
Many people confirm that by getting rid of trash in their home and stopping collecting it, they gained freedom and their thoughts became clear.

trash and fluff

Things of dead people

As with photographs, it is obvious that it is better to get rid of them or store especially valuable items in a specially designated box.
But don’t rush to get rid of your clothes, because you can still wear them. Previously, Christians distributed the clothes of a deceased person to the poor near the temple. The priests say that such clothes can warm someone else, and this is a good deed and the deceased will be remembered with good words.

things of the dead

IMPORTANT! You can wear the clothes of a deceased person. But first, it is important to renew its energy.

Old calendars

Last year's calendars or last month's pages from a tear-off calendar are all a symbol of the past tense. Don't get attached to the past. If, as you think, there is valuable information or a recipe on the calendar, copy it into your notebook, notepad, and throw away the sheet. Those old things from the past need to leave your home to bring something new into it.

old calendars

Candle stubs

Church candles should not be thrown away - take them back to the temple. There are special boxes for cinders.
Do not store cinders from ordinary candles in the house - this is a symbol of poverty.
And cinders after the funeral service for the deceased attract other deaths.


This is not the entire list, but you will probably find at least a couple of similar items in your possession. Sometimes it’s difficult to get rid of your favorite blouse, which has been lying in the closet for three years in case “what if I lose weight.” Or he is a beautiful shell, brought from that wonderful journey when the family was intact. But ask yourself a question: what is more valuable to me: a blouse, the past or a happy future in a loving environment and prosperity? The choice is obvious, so take action!

Comments and feedback:

Cigarette butts also cannot be stored, that means.


It’s time for me to throw everything away, close my eyes and throw it away together with my husband.


Washing machines

Vacuum cleaners

Coffee makers