How to trick the scale and weigh less

There are often situations when a person simply needs to weigh less than he actually weighs. It is not always possible to cope with excess weight in a short period, but this is necessary to achieve a certain goal.

How to trick the scale and weigh less

When you need to weigh less

Here are some situations when you want to fool the scales and show an underestimated result:

  1. Sports events. Before important competitions, participants undergo a control weigh-in. At this time, it is important that the weight does not exceed the permissible number of kilograms. After all, even half a kilogram of excess weight can become a real obstacle to participation in a sporting event.
  2. Visit doctor. When undergoing treatment from a gynecologist or therapist, it is important to follow the recommendations of specialists. But it is not always possible to do this in full. In order to show the best results at the appointment, you want to reduce your weight as much as possible.

Attention! Misleading the attending physician about underweight, first of all, can negatively affect the health of the patient himself.

On the scales

How to step on the scale so it shows less

In order to reduce your actual weight, you need to step on the scale a little differently. If you need to weigh yourself before starting a competition, you can try practicing with weights before the weigh-in. You can stand on the scale and move along it from the center to the edge, try standing on your toes.During this time, monitor your body weight readings. Try to focus on one leg, in some cases it helps to lose up to a kilogram. You can stand on the scale with one foot so that the center of gravity is on the other foot. But this method is possible if others cannot see you. Many modern electronic scales show not only a person’s weight, but also the percentage of fat present. You won't be able to fool anyone with these new devices.
What other ways are there to cheat the scales?

Before weighing, you can carry out several effective manipulations, after which you will actually lose weight. If you need to get on the scale the next day, then in the evening you can go to the bathhouse and have a good steam bath. You will immediately get rid of a large amount of subcutaneous fat. After the steam room, it is advisable not to eat heavy, salty and fatty foods. You can take a diuretic or laxative. Immediately before weighing, you should try to go to the toilet or do an enema. You need to wear a minimum of clothing. Be sure to remove your shoes before weighing yourself. Fasting or following a diet for several days before the control weigh-in will also bring good results.

On the scales

Important! You can underestimate your weight on mechanical scales; electronic analogues are almost impossible to deceive.

Is it worth resorting to such tricks?

No matter how you step on the scale and deliberately underestimate your weight, your body weight remains unchanged. Here, first of all, you are deceiving yourself. Of course, achieving a goal, qualifying for a competition, or not getting reprimanded by a doctor is a good thing. But few people think about the consequences this can lead to.

On the scales

You should not resort to such tricks to achieve a certain goal.If you need to lose weight, then really try to lose it. Nowadays, there are quite a few different ways to do this. This includes regular physical activity and special diets. You can contact a specialist who will develop an individual weight loss program for you. In any case, you can achieve the desired results. The main thing is to take your health seriously, then you won’t have to deceive others and yourself.

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