How to choose a gas hob

The rise in energy prices is disproportionate: electricity is rising in price faster. Therefore, the demand for gas hobs is growing again. And despite the “numerous advantages” found in the description of electric stoves, apart from the absence of burning on the bottom of the cookware and a slightly larger number of functions, they do not stand out in any way. The exception is expensive induction hobs, which also do not have the concept of “heating up the heating element”.How to choose a gas hob

Features of choosing a gas hob

Gas is cheaper than electricity, and the speed of cooking does not depend on the technical characteristics of the wiring in the house - the main arguments in favor of such a stove. This can be supplemented by the absence of problems with the choice of cookware and the comparative cheapness of the hobs themselves, which often becomes the key point.

The dimensions of gas stoves are practically no different from those of electric versions. The width ranges from 30 to 90 cm. The distance from the front edge of the working surface to the wall area is on average 54 cm.And the height of the panel does not exceed 10 cm, and most of it is hidden in the depths of the working area.

Types of gas hobs

Mobile gas stoves are becoming a thing of the past and are only appropriate for seasonal use in the country. Built-in panels come in two types: dependent and independent.Types of gas hobs

Dependents come complete with the oven and have a common control panel with it. Among the advantages, one can highlight only a slight reduction in cost when compared with purchasing two devices separately. But the big disadvantage is that if one of the devices fails, the cook will lose both assistants during the repair.

Independent have no such disadvantage. They are also ideal for those who are not planning to purchase an oven or have decided to place it at a more convenient level.

By type of control there are:

  • mechanical - heating power, functions and modes are regulated by rotary levers and buttons;
  • touch - control is carried out using touch-sensitive buttons and a display.

The second type of control is still rare and significantly increases the numbers on the price tag. In order to make the control panel easier to maintain, mechanical levers are made removable.

Which material is better for a gas hob?

The ease of maintenance and how harmoniously it fits into the kitchen interior depend on the coating of the stove.Gas hobs made of different materials

Enameled steel lightweight, does not require special care and is not limited in color range. The coating can be glossy or matte. But such a surface is afraid of chips and critical temperature changes that occur as a result of a pinpoint impact. One of the advantages is that it is budget-friendly.However, the effort spent on cleaning such a coating from burnt food remains makes one think of taking something better.

Stainless steel is not afraid of scratches, but becomes covered with dents after sufficiently strong blows. It is easier to wash than enamel. The surface can also be glossy or matte. The only thing is that you will have to wash such a stove often, because not only dirt, but also fingerprints are clearly visible on it.

Strained glass afraid of blows. But the fragility is compensated by the variety of color palette and ornaments limited only by the designer’s flight of fancy. Another disadvantage is the weight limit per burner - no more than 15 kg.

Glass ceramics It is not cheap and has increased thermal conductivity. It is easy to clean from all types of contaminants and has absorbed all the advantages of glass. But sweets regularly spilled onto its surface will quickly deprive the surface of its shine.

IMPORTANT! It will not be possible to use abrasives when putting things in order on any of the listed panels; this will lead to a quick loss of gloss. Burnt food is removed with special scrapers with replaceable blades or “gentle” household chemicals, developed taking into account the characteristics of the stove’s coating.

What number and shape of burners is best to choose?

Different burners on a gas hob
For a family of two people, one and two-burner hobs are quite sufficient. But if the kitchen is run by a chef by vocation, he will need at least 3-4 burners. For a large family, a model with at least 5 pieces would be preferable.

The burners of the standard model located in the corners will not surprise anyone now.But manufacturers are seriously concerned about the needs of consumers and the variety of panels that are different in appearance varies from simply practical to futuristic.

Single row hobs are ideal for kitchens with narrow tables. This solution is ideal for small kitchens as it will satisfy the needs of a large family.

Curvilinear the shapes will add refined notes to the interior without losing ease of use. The most common are arched surfaces.

Corner surface saves useful space and is designed to be placed in the corner of the tabletop. All burners are clearly visible, so you don’t have to think about the practical side of the issue.

"Domino" more expensive than their analogues, but... The ability to select suitable segments and their arrangement in accordance with the wishes of the buyer is worth it. The number of sections usually varies from 4 to 6, but some of them can be replaced on surfaces with built-in household appliances.

Types of burners

In addition to the location of the burners, gas stoves may also differ in their shape. The model with five burners is usually equipped with an oval one in the center. But the flight of imagination of the designers did not stop there.

IMPORTANT! Priority should be given to burners that direct the flame to the bottom of the cookware so that it does not touch the side walls. The gripping area plays a key role in this case, because it is difficult to cook a large number of portions on a small burner. And on a large one it is difficult to protect dishes from carbon deposits.

The quadrangular burners look interesting. Oblong ones are good for dishes with an oval bottom. Practical spiral-shaped ones allow you to adjust the flame both in intensity and along the length of the spiral.This makes them more versatile. There are even burners with a special stand for WOK, designed specifically for connoisseurs of oriental cuisine.

Burner features

In addition to the variety of forms, manufacturers have also thought through the functional component. Rotary burners are no longer uncommon, which, depending on the position, can be used either as a duo or individually. But the greatest interest among culinary specialists is multi-level ones, with several rings of flame.

Double crown burners still remain economical, although they significantly increase the speed of cooking. They are good if the menu is dominated by steamed, fried or stewed dishes.

Tricrown ideal when maximum heating temperature is important. WOK is unthinkable without a triple crown, the main feature of which is the uniform distribution of heat. Such a burner cannot be called economical, but analogues will not heat large dishes faster than it.

What features should you pay attention to when choosing

Hob with automatic ignition
Safety first. Most often, burns received during the operation of gas hobs are associated with the lack of an automatic ignition function. It can be implemented in the form of a spark as a result of pressing a separate key. But much more practical is redignition, when the gas ignites when the burner is activated by the regulator. Yes, such models will require an electrical connection. However, there is no need to draw an additional line from the distribution panel - it is enough to allocate a separate outlet for these purposes.

IMPORTANT! Locking the control panel is useful in families with children. And overheat control, a flame change program and a built-in timer are for forgetful cooks.These options can be abandoned in favor of reducing the cost of equipment, but gas control, which turns off the gas supply when the fire goes out, is a mandatory precaution.

Sometimes, when you see the range of gas hobs, it’s difficult to settle on just one model. But if you have a limited budget, you can save money without losing quality and speed. To do this, it is enough to abandon those functions that are either not in demand at all or will be used extremely rarely. But the savings must be correct, so the abandonment of functions that ensure the safety of household members is unjustified.

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