How does a humidifier work?

HumidifierPeople exercise intensely and watch their diet, take vitamin supplements, trying in this way to maintain the health and beauty of their body. But few people think about how the air inhaled daily affects the biological processes of the body. If you look at the air through a microscope, you can be horrified at how much “nasty” there is in it: dust, germs, gases, allergens, etc.

We inhale all this, and pathogenic organisms and various types of pollution enter the body. If the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are insufficiently moisturized, it is easier to contract an infection, since dry mucous membranes are not able to fully protect the body. In winter, the dryness of the air goes off scale due to actively working heating devices.

Purpose of the humidifier

HumidityTo maintain the required air humidity in the apartment, special devices are used - household humidifiers. Some thrifty housewives consider it an unaffordable luxury. But in fact, the household item is very useful.Depending on the chosen model, it not only sprays steam and maintains the desired humidity level in the room.

Some advanced models additionally regulate the air temperature and clean it of contaminants. To choose a device for your family that is suitable in terms of functionality and without compromising the family budget, you need to understand the types of humidifiers in detail.

Types of household and industrial air humidifiers

The main types of humidifiers include:

  • traditional;
  • steam;
  • ultrasonic;
  • washable;
  • multifunctional climate control;
  • atomizers

The operating principle of different types of humidifiers

We are getting used to the microclimate at home; it seems comfortable to us. It’s easier for those who have a lot of flowers in their house and an aquarium, or better yet two. The principle of operation of the humidifier is to spray water. They do this in different ways and have additional useful functions.

How does a traditional humidifier (cold humidifier) ​​work?

The mechanism of operation of this ancestor of humidifiers is based on the natural evaporation of cold water. It's like hanging out your wet laundry, only done in a more civilized way. Water is poured into containers, then it flows out into the pan as needed and goes to the evaporators. A fan is built into the design of the device; it blows on the evaporation element, causing water to evaporate from its surface.

The simplest models use replaceable paper cassettes treated with an antibacterial compound. The service life of paper elements is 3 months maximum. Modern analogues use plastic disks with small cells instead of paper. The device rotates the disks, and they collect water from the container.The tray is equipped with electrodes; they neutralize pathogenic bacteria.

To speed up the evaporation process, the cold humidifier should be located in a warm place, for example, near a heating device.

How does a steam humidifier (hot mist) work?

How the humidifier worksThis type of humidifier is in demand for large rooms. The body of the device is made of plastic that can withstand high temperatures. The device is equipped with protection: it will not turn on if the lid is not sealed or there is no water in the tank. There are 2 electrodes installed inside it, their job is to bring water to a boil so that the device begins to emit steam. At the outlet of the evaporator, the air temperature is maintained no higher than 60 degrees. This temperature regime fights microorganisms flying in the air.

The kit includes an inhalation nozzle. By pouring an infusion of herbs or a solution with essential oils instead of water, you can perform a medical procedure.

Pros: low price, ease of use, no cartridges that require frequent replacement.

Cons: high energy consumption, noise.

Advice! To avoid being disturbed by high background noise, buy a compact device for home use. More powerful ones are indispensable assistants in greenhouses and greenhouse farming.

How does an ultrasonic humidifier work?

How does an ultrasonic humidifier work?A humidifier with an ultrasonic operating principle is popular in both domestic and industrial use. It provides precise control of air humidity. It is easy to use, it is silent, so it will not interfere even in the bedroom or nursery.

The product design includes:

  • water container;
  • water filter cartridge;
  • a low-power fan that draws air into the device;
  • a piezoelectric membrane that turns water into tiny particles;
  • spray nozzle;
  • hygrostat for independent switching on and off.

The piezomembrane vibrates under the influence of electric current, and the water surrounding it scatters into microparticles. The resulting fog is blown outside using a fan.

Ultrasonic humidifiers use only purified water. Using hard water will lead to the formation of a whitish, difficult-to-remove residue on furniture.

Such a device decides itself when to work. It is safe to use and energy consumption during operation is minimal. The disadvantages are the high cost of the device and the regular change of filters.

Information. The device is compact, attractive, and the cold, wet steam output is safe for children and pets.

How does a washable humidifier work?

How a washable humidifier works«A washable humidifier or air washer is a silent device that combines the functions of an air purifier and a humidifier at the same time. It is designed in this way: plastic disks located vertically constantly rotate and are moistened. From rotation, the water disperses into fine dust. The sucked air, passing through the rotating elements, gets rid of dust and is moistened, i.e. it is cleaned mechanically.

A special ionizer, and in some models a silver rod, kill pathogens, completing the cleaning process. The presence of a mini glass for essential oils complements the humidifier with a pleasant aromatherapy function. The device is economical: it does not have replaceable cartridges or filters, but if it has a silver rod, it will have to be updated periodically. The energy consumption with it is insignificant; the dirt accumulated on the disks is washed off with water.The disadvantages include an insufficiently high degree of air purification. Devices with replaceable filters do this better. And the “wash” does not remove unpleasant odors in the airspace; it can only hide them behind aromatic oils.

How does a multifunctional climate humidifier work?

Multifunctional climate humidifierMFC - climate humidifier - one of the most expensive devices. Its main function is to purify the air and then humidify it. The filters of the device capture animal hair, dust, pollen, saprophytes, and various odors. The principle of operation is that the air passes through several carbon filters, membranes treated with an antibacterial composition and an evaporation system. Some models ionize and aromatize purified air.

The device is easy to use, does not require large energy consumption, and fully purifies the air. Due to its versatility, it is considered an expensive moisturizing equipment. The disadvantages include high cost, the need to change filters and cassettes, and the inability to humidify the air to more than 60%. The device is also quite bulky.

Due to their high cleaning capabilities, climate control systems are in demand not only at home, but also in medical and educational institutions.

How does an industrial spray humidifier work - atomizer?

Industrial humidificationThis device is used only on an industrial scale. In it, water droplets are converted into fine water dust. They are thrown out of the nozzle nozzle over a long distance (several tens of centimeters). This spray radius is achieved due to high pressure. Atomizers are hard workers, their productivity varies from 60 to 230 l/h of atomized water.The disadvantages include their fabulous price (thousands of dollars).

When choosing a humidifier, you should be guided by what you need it for, your living conditions and climate. Each family's needs are individual. Even a simple humidifier will provide the necessary level of humidity, taking care of the health of your loved ones.

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