Fragrance for air humidifier

air humidifier fragranceA pleasant atmosphere in a room not only includes the concept of comfort and coziness, but is also a condition for maintaining good health and well-being. But not always, when caring about creating such an atmosphere, due attention is paid to air humidity. But this is one of the important indicators of a prosperous atmosphere.

Excessively dry air in the room leads to decreased performance, increases the opportunity for the spread of viruses and infections, complicates the respiratory process, and causes allergic reactions.

The humidifier provides true comfort and creates a healthy atmosphere in your home and office. In addition, a modern household appliance with the help of a fragrance can fill the house with pleasant and healing odors.

Why do humidifiers need fragrances?

HumidifierWe cannot immediately understand whether the air in the room is sufficiently humidified; we do not always compare the negative reactions of our body with this indicator. But we will feel the smells right away!

Every person knows what a hospital or a bakery smells like, what the aroma of freshly washed laundry or brewed coffee is. Smell is one of the main characteristics of a room. Therefore, the ability of humidifiers to fill a space with pleasant odors is highly valued. This task is performed by flavoring agents.

Thanks to the fact that humidifiers began to be equipped with them, not only water particles that increase humidity, but also beneficial substances of essential oils with which flavorings are filled, enter the air. Such substances - phytoncides - can cope with harmful bacteria; they can also rid the room of an unpleasant odor.

Causes of unpleasant odor

Bad smellUnpleasant odors will become rare in your apartment if you follow simple housekeeping rules based on information about why unwanted odors appear in rooms.

Causes of unpleasant odors:

  • Rare ventilation.
    Systematic ventilation helps to timely remove odors from food and tobacco smoke, preventing them from penetrating deeply into the structure of home textiles and thus remaining in the room for a long time.
  • Irregular wet cleaning and washing
    Dirty clothes and linen that retain the smell of sweat, curtains soaked with food, a pet's toilet and much more do not add fragrance, but, on the contrary, become a source of unpleasant odors.
  • Dampness
    Excessive air humidity is undesirable in rooms, as is excessive dryness.

Important! Dampness leads to the appearance of mold, accompanied by a characteristic odor that cannot be called pleasant.

Anyone can get rid of these reasons and remove non-aromatic odors. Filling your home with a pleasant fragrance is also easy. To do this, you need to use special aromatic oils.

About the benefits and harms of aromatic oils

Humidifier FragrancesIt has long been known that smell can influence a person’s well-being. Experts take advantage of these properties of essential oils, using them as therapeutic agents.

Benefits of various aromatic oils:

  • Use as antiseptics, antiviral and anti-inflammatory agents.
    Oils based on pine and cedar, geranium and tea tree, juniper and lemon purify the air in the room, destroying pathogenic bacteria, microbes and viruses. And their use as a prophylactic agent will help the body not to succumb to diseases even during periods of mass epidemics.
  • Strengthening the immune system
    Plants such as chamomile, lavender, lemon, grapefruit, etc. have a beneficial effect on human immunity. Oils made from them also retain beneficial properties.
  • Medicinal and health products
    With the right selection of odors, you can improve digestion and blood circulation, get rid of stress, reduce temperature and blood pressure, relieve pain, etc.

The serious capabilities of aromatic oils have made them full participants in the therapeutic effect on humans.

Important! The use of aromatic oils is best done after consultation with a doctor. A specialist, taking into account your health characteristics, will help you choose substances that will not cause negative reactions.

However, essential oils can preserve not only beneficial but also harmful properties of plants. Applied to the skin, in some cases they cause allergies, irritation or severe burns. The use of such oils requires compliance with special rules.

Rules for using aroma oils

Important! You can avoid the unpleasant effect of using aromatic oils by using a high-quality product that is manufactured in compliance with all technological rules and purchased from an official distributor.

Aroma oil - the product is delicate and tender. These substances require careful handling, which allows them to be used without harm to humans.

Preliminary testing of a new aroma oil, careful recording of the body’s reactions to this substance.

Thorough aroma cleansing - humidifier after each use of essential oils.

Maintain the following proportion in the use of essential oil: per 15 square meters of area - 5 drops of the selected oil.

Use essential oils only in humidifiers that have a special capsule for aromatic oils.

Popular fragrances for air humidifiers

FlavoringNowadays, people have learned to make essential oils based on a variety of plants. In this regard, buyers have a problem: how and what flavors are best to choose for air humidification. Let's figure it out.

The choice of essential oil for a household appliance directly depends on the purpose of use. After all, any aroma oil will create a light pleasant aroma. When refilling the humidifier, the following properties of the substances should be taken into account:

  • To improve mood, relieve stress, get rid of insomnia and stress - orange, lavender, chamomile;
  • Sedative - basil, lavender;
  • Antibacterial - basil;
  • Antifungal - bergamot;
  • For appetite - bergamot;
  • Antiviral - eucalyptus, lemon, meat, pine, fir;
  • To normalize the functioning of the digestive organs - chamomile;
  • For cough - clove;
  • For diseases of the respiratory organs - juniper.

Important! Pregnant and breastfeeding women, allergy sufferers, patients with bronchial asthma, thyroid or kidney diseases should not use aromatic oils.

The fragrance for a humidifier can be filled not with one oil, but with a mixture of several substances. The following mixtures have a beneficial effect:

  • To combat insomnia - sandalwood with chamomile;
  • To strengthen attention and memory - pine, spruce, orange in combination with incense oil;
  • To calm and relieve stress - lavender with sandalwood.

How to make your own flavoring

You can distribute essential oil evenly throughout the room not only with the help of a purchased humidifier. You can make an effective flavoring yourself.

The purpose of the homemade device is to create conditions for the distribution of essential oils throughout the room. To do this, you can impregnate various materials or create special compounds. Here are some simple tips on how to make your own flavoring.

Soda and oil

Materials: glass container, lid with holes, soda, aroma oil.

Production: fill a third of the container with soda. Add 10 drops. oil, stir well, cover with a lid.


Materials: wood sticks (from 20 to 30 cm), glass container for them, vegetable and aromatic oil, alcohol.

Production: pour vegetable oil into a container one third of the height of the sticks, combine with it aroma oil (25 drops per 100 g) and alcohol (2 tsp). After stirring, place sticks in the container, with the help of which the phytoncides will begin to spread throughout the room.

Aromatic stone

Aromatic stoneOne or several special stones made from salt dough, emitting healing aromas, will become a real decoration for the room and a useful gift for family and friends. We'll tell you how to make it.

Materials: flour, starch, salt, hot water, coloring (food coloring, gouache - optional), essential oil.

Production: add salt (1 kg) with starch (5 tbsp) to flour (600 g) and mix. Hot water (200 ml) with dye diluted in it is combined with flour and kneaded thoroughly. Pebbles are made from the resulting stiff dough (you can use shaped baking molds). Apply aroma to each stone - 2-3 drops of aroma oil. After the dough has completely dried and hardened, the stones can be laid out indoors or made into compositions.

Fragrances can be made using more than just essential oils. Small bags made of natural fabrics, in which dry fragrant fabrics are placed, also become excellent flavoring agents.

Fragrances for humidifiers can not only make our lives brighter and more interesting. With their help, you will reliably protect your family from harmful bacteria and viruses, speed up the healing process, and make your home unique.

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