What kind of water should I put in the iron?

Water for ironHousehold appliances require high-quality and competent care. The iron also needs care. If this device has a steaming function, then water should be poured into it, and you can find out what kind of water it is in this article.

What water is best for an iron?

Boiled water

This method of water purification is the most famous. But boiled water for an iron is far from the best option. Even boiled water contains elements that can disrupt the operation of the device.

Experts advise adding demineralized water to the iron along with boiled water in a 1:1 ratio. This method will protect the iron from scale.

Special water for irons

This liquid is found in hardware stores. Special water helps when working with the iron. Its main advantages are protecting the iron from scale and the fabric from stains. Such water undergoes purification, where various impurities that may affect the operation of the device are removed from the composition.

Reference. Also, quite often you can find water for irons with various flavors. Such fragrances will certainly give things a pleasant aroma, but can negatively affect the operation of the iron.

Melt water

Liquids of this origin contain substances that can leave stains.Some substances affect the overall performance of the iron. It is not recommended to pour such water into the iron.

Is it possible to use distilled water?

Distilled water is completely purified and seemingly harmless. But she also has a drawback - quite high boiling point. This characteristic can cause certain difficulties during evaporation, and problems with the evaporator chamber may arise.

Reference. It is recommended to mix distilled water with regular tap water in a ratio of 1:2.

What water is best for an iron?

Clean water for the ironAs we found out, the most suitable water for ironing clothes is special water for irons, which will not harm irons and things.

What kind of water should not be poured into the iron?

Do not pour boiled, distilled or melt water into the iron. Such liquids will lead to scale in the boiler, as well as malfunctions of the device itself. They can also damage things or leave stains on them.

Advice. In order for the device to work as long as possible, it is recommended to rinse the boiler after each use of the iron. To do this, you can use the following remedy: add 1.5 liters of vinegar to 1 glass of clean water. Pour this water into the iron, shake and leave for a while. Afterwards, the liquid can be drained. This method allows you to remove scale without harming the iron.

Why add water to the iron?

Most modern models have a steam function. This feature allows water to penetrate the fibers of the fabric, after which it becomes softer. When the water begins to evaporate, the fabric becomes moisturized, therefore reducing friction between the fibers. When friction between fibers is reduced - The fabric is easy to straighten and iron.

How does water affect the iron and the quality of ironing?

As mentioned above, clean, filtered water should be poured into the iron. Plain water promotes the formation of scale on the walls of the iron, as well as on its heating elements.

A special glass is used to fill the water. This cup has a curved spout, thanks to which water does not spill, but gets into the iron. Some irons have a water hole on the handle.

Comments and feedback:

Hmmm. Clearly designed for those who have forgotten school physics and chemistry. Only an ignoramus or a marketer (that is, a liar) can declare that distilled water boils at a higher temperature than water with impurities. Distilled water at 1 atm. boils at 100 degrees. C. Water with impurities has a higher boiling point. Learn materiel.


The specific difference between the composition of store-bought “special water for ironing” and distilled water, which by definition is purified from impurities and what is the harm in using it, is not described. We ignore the baby talk about a higher boiling point and leave it on the conscience of the author of the article.


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