How to remove odor from a thermos

Removing aroma from a thermosThe thermos is an irreplaceable “friend” of the family. And take tea on a trip, and coffee, and steam herbs for decoction, and much more. However, during operation, an unpleasant odor and mold may appear.

Regular washing under running water will not cope with this task. So that you don’t have to throw away a still good unit and spend money on a new thing, it can and should be saved! In this article you will learn how to get rid of odor forever with minimal expenditure of effort and money.

Removing the foul aroma from a thermos - the best ways

Every housewife knows that improvised means are the most cost-effective and effective ways to solve problems. There is no need to run to the store for chemicals, because everything you need is probably in the house.

Sodium bicarbonate (commonly known as baking soda or drinking soda). A multifunctional assistant, it costs a penny and does not pose a danger to human life. Method of use:

  • pour boiling water into a thermos and add one or two tablespoons of soda;
  • Close the lid tightly and wrap in warm clothes. Leave for 2–3 hours;
  • rinse thoroughly and dry;
  • Baking soda will help remove the odor and also clean the interior surface of mold.

Lemon acidAcid derivatives (citric acid, vinegar essence, lemon juice). There is a choice of three items, they are equally effective, the only difference is that vinegar has a strong smell, and lemon has a high cost. Application method:

  • add two tablespoons of acid to the thermos, dilute with a glass of boiling water;
  • screw on the cap and shake vigorously for 3–5 minutes. Leave on 1–1.5 hours;
  • pour out the contents. Rinse well and dry;
  • mustard powder. Will cope with the task perfectly.

Important! Mustard in paste form will not work.

Pour the dry powder into the flask, add warm water, and screw on the cap.

  • shake 10–15 times. Leave 1.5–2 hours.
  • open, pour out contents, rinse thoroughly and dry.
  • salt. Another effective way to eliminate bad odor:
  • Pour 5 tablespoons of salt into a thermos and add hot water.
  • leave the saline solution for 12–24 hours.
  • pour out the solution and rinse the thermos.

RiceAny type of rice will do: round-grain, long-grain, brown, white - it doesn’t matter which. Rice can remove a slight odor:

  • Pour boiling water over 4–5 tablespoons of rice;
  • Close and shake for 5-10 minutes;
  • Rinse with cold water and dry;

Unconventional methods

Carbonated drinks. It is best to use Coca-Cola.

Bring the liquid to a boil, then pour it into a thermos; there is no need to tighten the lid.

Leave for 10–12 hours.

Rinse the inner surface, rinse with cold water and dry.

Dishwashing liquid. It will help if the cause of the bad smell is mold. Use a special brush for washing dishes to wash the thermos until the smell changes to the aroma of the product used. Then pour boiling water over the unit and gradually lower the temperature, at the end the water should be very cold.

Bleach. It will clean the surface of mold and mildew. This method cannot be used if the thermos is made of stainless steel, otherwise the seams will begin to separate and the dishes will lose their properties. Pour a small amount of bleach into a container, add hot water and let sit. 30-45 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly and repeat the procedure, leaving the bleach to sit 20–25 minutes.

Attention! Just a little concentration! Bleach in large quantities is dangerous!

Odor absorbers. The easiest way is to put an object inside that absorbs unpleasant odors. For example, brown bread crumb, activated carbon tablets, a bag of black or green tea. Items are placed on 3-4 hours, with replacement later. Ideally, the absorber should be changed 5 times.

Store-bought or homemade remedies: which is best?

ThermosThere is a wide range of household chemicals on store shelves. However, it is better to use safe traditional methods that have been proven over the years. The word “chemistry” speaks for itself; such products are full of chemicals that do more harm than good. If you don't rinse off detergents well, you can cause irreparable harm. Think about this before purchasing such a product, the fate of your gastrointestinal tract depends on it.

Some tips for caring for a thermos

To never have to deal with a similar problem again, try to keep the thermos clean. Simple rules:

  • wash dishes immediately after use;
  • use a solution of laundry soap;
  • the cap also needs care;
  • after washing, the thermos must be dried for 24 hours;
  • It is best to wipe dry and then leave on a dry towel;
  • Even if you don’t need the unit in the near future, you cannot close it tightly with a lid, otherwise the smell cannot be avoided.

Fighting stench and mold is easy and simple! Wash the dishes in a timely manner, and then such problems will never overtake you in the future. If you have urgent things to do and don’t have time to wash, then unscrew the cap; this will make cleaning much easier in the future.

Comments and feedback:

Just for the soda! If you wash it with bleach, you can throw away the thermos, I don’t know what about the seams coming apart, but the smell of bleach still needs to be removed, so don’t let me use such a product. Lemon juice or acid solution is also acceptable; if the smell remains, it is not irritating, but even pleasant. As for drying, that’s a question: leave it open for at least a day, and it’s better in a closet with the door closed so that dust doesn’t get into the flask.


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