You are washing incorrectly!

Often housewives, when loading laundry into the washing machine, do not think about whether they are doing the right thing. Out of inexperience, in a hurry, or for some other reason, they put white pillowcases with colored blouses, linen tablecloths with silk dresses, and make other mistakes. Then they wonder why stains appeared on the clothes, a foreign smell that was not there before washing, where one sock went, where did the hole in the shirt come from. There is one reason for all these excesses - the wrong approach to washing.

incorrect washing

10 common mistakes

To avoid such problems, familiarize yourself with the main omissions during washing. Think about whether you are making similar wrong steps.

Removing tough stains

Often there are stains on clothes that need to be removed before washing. You begin to rub them vigorously, having first sprinkled them with powder. This cannot be done, as the structure of the fabric is eventually damaged, and shine appears at the stripping site. The material wears out quickly and holes form. To avoid this, drop a little stain remover onto the stain, wait a few minutes, then rinse in warm water.You can wipe the stain with a soft white cloth. Only then put the item in the washing machine.

removing tough stains

Bloody laundry should be soaked only in cold water. A warm solution promotes deeper penetration of blood into the tissue, where it coagulates and it will be impossible to completely clean the material.

When washing things in the machine, you can add a little more cleaning solution. Don't forget to rinse your underwear well afterwards.

Do not check rubber folds before washing

The washing machine requires especially careful care. It must be checked every time before starting work. Heat and moisture promote the development of microorganisms and fungi. Mold appears in the following places:

  • in the dispenser tray;
  • under rubber seals;
  • in hoses;
  • in filters.

folds in the machine

After each wash, the unit must be inspected, all accessible areas must be cleaned, washed with a soda solution, then rinsed thoroughly with clean water. Leave the machine open until completely dry. Before downloading, review all available locations again. If necessary, wipe with a solution of citric acid, “Belizna”, and other chlorine-containing compounds. This will save you from the appearance of foreign odors and dark spots on things.

If black, oil stains appear on the laundry, it means there are problems with the oil seal or bearings treated with a special lubricant. In such cases, it is necessary to call a technician to replace parts.

You can deal with all other problems yourself.

Simultaneously wash clothes that are less dirty and have stubborn stains

Another mistake of yours. Before loading items into the washing machine, they must be sorted according to the degree of soiling.Washing clothes that are cleaner will require less washing solution and time than washing clothes that are too dirty. For heavily soiled clothes with stubborn stains, after cleaning by hand, run the special pre-wash cycle, which involves washing twice. Wash less dirty items as usual, this will protect them from rapid wear.

Don't zip up

The snakes must be fastened. When scrolling, thinner fabric, lining, etc. will cling to the unbuttoned teeth. As a result, the material is destroyed and holes appear. In addition, the teeth break, which renders the fastener unusable.

Fasten the buttons

All buttons and buttons must be undone. Otherwise, they may get caught in the drum and come off, causing damage to your blouse, shirt, etc.

It is wrong to put socks in a drum

Often after washing you are missing one sock or take it out with new holes. There may be two reasons for this:

  • one sock got tangled up with larger clothes, you just didn’t notice it;
  • he was pinched by the drum.

To prevent this from happening, you need to put your socks in a small bag made of thin fabric. This will save them from damage and loss.

Incorrect procedure

Gone are the habits of first pouring water into the machine, adding powder, and then putting the laundry away. Modern detergents do not settle on fabrics, do not contain phosphates, and do not harm clothes. But you shouldn’t add them before you add water.

First, load the laundry, add water, then add the washing solution.

With this loading order, the detergent will dissolve evenly in the water, thereby giving a better result when washing items.

Add a lot of powder

a lot of powder

Excess foam traps dirt. Especially often it accumulates in cuffs, collars and other hard-to-reach places. It's difficult to rinse it out. Therefore, it is better to immediately add half the amount of detergent. If your clothes are not washed well, then add a little more detergent.

The exception is washing in water of high hardness. To soften it, you can add a little more powder than usual.

Lots of bleach

The chemical composition of bleaching agents aggressively affects the fabric, corroding its fibers. This leads to rapid wear of the material, and the products lose color. To prevent this from happening, it is better to use grandma’s remedy: boil the laundry with the addition of a small amount of lemon juice.

Washing items that cannot be washed

These clothes are usually marked "Dry Clean". But this does not mean that they really cannot be washed. In most cases, such a mark is placed on linen made of delicate fabrics that can stretch or “shrink”: silk, wool, some knitwear. Such products must immediately be checked for color stability: apply detergent to the hidden seam with a soft swab and see if the color changes; then wash gently by hand. Dry by wrapping in a towel and squeezing well.

Under no circumstances should delicate items be twisted - this can lead to their deformation.

Leather, fur, suede items, blouses, dresses with sequins and beads are best taken to dry cleaning.


Anyone can make a mistake. You just need to pay attention to your mistakes and not repeat them again. Then your things will look like new. Their appearance will remain presentable and will give you the opportunity to show off more than once in refined society.

Comments and feedback:

You shouldn’t transfer the powder, but don’t all machines now have a built-in “foam level control” function? The excess is immediately washed off. Never had any problems rinsing powder out of laundry


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