Washer Dryer: Pros and Cons

Women have a special relationship with the washing machine. They value it, worry that it might break down, and listen to see if there are any extraneous noises during the sound. Of course, the device frees you from hard work that needs to be done constantly. Of course, then you have to finish drying the washed clothes, but this too can be entrusted to the equipment. To do this, many manufacturers offer to use a device created on the “two-in-one” principle. That is, a machine that not only washes, but can also dry things.

Washer Dryer: Pros and Cons

True, buyers sometimes doubt whether such a combination has affected the quality of the equipment. They also wonder whether such a device would be suitable for their own family. To make a final decision, you need to get acquainted with the pros and cons of drying machines. To do this, we studied different opinions of device owners.

Features of drying machines

Drying clothes using technology has not yet become as popular as washing. However, with a high degree of probability it can be assumed that automatic dryers will increasingly become part of our everyday life.



Important! Drying clothes in the apartment is not recommended. Increasing humidity in a living space leads to the risk of viral infections and the proliferation of microorganisms harmful to human health.

Externally, devices with dryers are practically no different from conventional devices. AND They are as easy to use as regular machines.

An additional function of the devices may be part of the program selected for cleaning things. You can also choose drying as an independent action. And load hand-washed items into the drum.

In some machines, household appliances can set the drying mode independently, focusing on the moisture content of the laundry. In other devices, the drying mode and its duration are set by a person.

Owners of drying machines, evaluating the device, note both its advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of drying machines



  • Save family budget. Agree, a very pleasant and beneficial advantage. You will have to pay for one, not two devices.
  • Save space. Another very important detail. Especially for residents of small apartments, where every square meter has its own meaning.
  • Freed from dryer and clotheslines. After purchasing a machine with a dryer, there is no need to store and install a bulky dryer in the room. And clotheslines are also a thing of the past.
  • Save time, which the housewife spends on caring for the clothes and linen of the whole family. This is especially appreciated by women with children. After all, they have to wash their clothes almost every day. Using a machine you can dry things much faster than in a room or on the balcony. Therefore, washed baby clothes can be put on your baby immediately again.
  • Softens terry products. Towels, sheets, and bathrobes dried in a machine are much softer to the touch. In addition, such a device has proven itself well in caring for pillows.

Disadvantages of drying machines


  • Long time procedures.
  • In many models of equipment, it is impossible to dry all the laundry that has gone through the washing cycle at one time.

Reference. The norms for loading laundry for drying are half as much as for loading for washing. So, with a maximum drum volume of 5 kg, no more than 2.5 kg is added when drying.

  • Not all units cope with bulky things (duvet covers, blankets, etc.) and dry them completely.
  • It is difficult to iron linen and clothes after drying.

Reference. Problems with ironing occur only if the laundry is overdried or remains in the drum for some time after the process is completed. This can be avoided by slightly reducing the drying time so that the laundry is almost dry.

  • Some owners note increased noise when the device operates with two main functions.
  • Formation of pellets, which remain on the walls of the drum. Removing them requires thorough cleaning of the drum.
  • For quality work you have to clean the bottom filter more often.

Reference. Purchasing a machine equipped with special filters helps protect the mechanism from small debris and extends the life of the device.

To buy or not

to buy or not

Despite certain “disadvantages” noted by the owners of the devices, none of them spoke out categorically against drying machines.

But they use the additional function in different ways. The device is in greatest demand in families with several children.. For large volumes and frequent washes, this technique is simply necessary!

Comments and feedback:

To be honest, I used to think that this was an unnecessary function in a washing machine, but after my husband and I decided to buy an Indesit washer-dryer, I understand that I was wrong. You no longer need to worry about where to hang your laundry after washing.


Still, I see more advantages. It’s great that my favorite Hotpoint also released such machines, I’m enjoying them now!


Whirlpool has a great dryer option. There is an easy ironing function. That is, the machine dries perfectly and does not wrinkle clothes too much. Can be worn straight away or stored in the closet without ironing.


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