Let's figure out why the drain in the washing machine does not work. Main causes of the problem

When the drain in the washing machine does not work, the first thing to check is the hose, filter and pump. If all elements work normally, simply reboot the machine. But if this does not help, the reason is more serious. How to identify it and carry out repairs is described in detail in this material.


Users often encounter a situation where a Samsung washing machine does not drain water. This phenomenon does not necessarily indicate a serious breakdown. In fact, the reason may be quite simple, so the first diagnosis can be carried out independently, without calling a specialist. You need to do this:

  1. Check the condition of the drain filter. It removes waste liquid from the tank and prevents the entry of small debris and foreign objects that could damage the drain pump. As you use it, the mesh becomes clogged, so water practically does not come out of the machine.
  2. When a Samsung washing machine does not drain water, the reasons should also be looked for in the fact that the drain hose may break. It twists, breaks or becomes crushed. Therefore, the liquid drains too slowly or does not flow at all.It is necessary to carefully inspect this element and, if necessary, straighten it or replace it with a new one.
  3. It also happens that a Samsung washing machine does not drain water due to blockages in the sewer pipe or in the area connected to the siphon. Then you need to dismantle the hose, then throw it into the sink. Next, turn on the drain program, and the waste water will go away. After this, the sewer pipe is cleaned.
  4. If the drain in your Samsung washing machine does not work, you should make sure that the mode settings are set correctly. For example, many models have a spin-free wash program, which is used for fabrics that require careful handling.
  5. Another explanation why the drain in the washing machine does not work is due to the incorrect connection of the unit to the drain. Some users purchase rather long hoses. If they are more than 3.5 m, the pump may not develop enough power to pump the water. Therefore, the device should be placed as close to the sewer pipe as possible.
  6. When a Samsung machine does not drain water, the reason may also relate to the operation of the electronic module. Sometimes it malfunctions and the unit stops working or freezes. You need to unplug it for a few minutes, then plug it back in and see if it works properly.

The drain in the washing machine does not work

In what cases is repair necessary?

Before starting repair work, you need to accurately determine the cause. To do this, you need to figure out why the Samsung washing machine does not drain water. You can diagnose a particular error by external manifestations (sound, smell) and by the code that appears on the display. The main symptoms and repair methods are described below.

The drain pump is broken

In practice, users quite often encounter the fact that the Samsung machine does not drain water. Moreover, one of the probable reasons is a problem in the operation of the drain pump. This element consists of a small motor and a rotating impeller. If foreign objects get into it, the impeller is blocked. This puts extra stress on the motor and it may burn out. This is why the water in the Samsung washing machine does not drain.

Such a violation can be determined by several signs:

  • the liquid does not drain as quickly as usual or does not drain at all;
  • you can’t hear the pump working;
  • An error appears on the screen indicating a drainage problem.

Based on all these signs, you can determine that the Samsung washing machine is not draining water precisely because of the pump. Therefore, it is necessary to turn off the power to the device, remove the pump and clean it thoroughly. If the impeller breaks or the motor burns out, the part cannot be repaired - it must be replaced with a new one.

Blockage in the drain tract

The drain in the washing machine is not one element, but a whole system consisting of several interconnected parts. If your Samsung washing machine won't drain, the problem could be related to any of these items. It is necessary to carefully examine each:

  • pipe branch;
  • pump;
  • hose;
  • filter;
  • sewage pipe.

Washing machine drain

There is probably a blockage in one or more parts of the drain path, causing the water to drain too slowly. If the situation is neglected, the Samsung washing machine does not drain the water. You should turn it off, disassemble the components, inspect them and, if necessary, clean them.

Electronics failure

It is not in all cases clear what to do if a Samsung machine does not drain water.Many users begin to look for an explanation that a blockage has occurred, although sometimes this is related to the control electronic module. Essentially, this is a board with a processor that monitors the readings of all sensors and runs the necessary programs.


Almost always the electronics work fine, but if the Samsung does not drain the water, this can be explained precisely by a malfunction of the electronic board functions. It may be damaged due to a sudden voltage drop in the network or water ingress. In this case, some contacts begin to rust and even burn out. Then it’s clear why the Samsung washing machine does not drain the water.

The failure of the control module can also be determined by the device freezing. It may stop responding to commands and even shut down. In addition, washing modes will begin to malfunction. If this is a one-time case, you can simply turn off the device and turn it back on after a few minutes. But if the drain on the washing machine does not work and freezes continue, you will have to call a technician for diagnosis and repair.

Breakdown of the pressure switch

Each washing machine has a special sensor that assesses the liquid level. Therefore, if a Samsung washing machine does not drain waste water, this can also be explained by a breakdown of the pressure switch. One of the main diagnostic signs is a malfunction of the drain pump. An appropriate error message will appear on the screen.

To repair, you need to figure out why the drain is not working. If you can’t do this yourself, it is recommended to call a specialist. The breakdown may not be serious - for example, a hose broke or came out of place. Then it needs to be returned to its place or replaced with a new one.

Breakdown of the pressure switch

Damage to wiring

It also happens that the drain of a Samsung washing machine does not work due to faulty wiring. Components may gradually wear away due to vibration. If the unit is located in a private house, it may also be damaged by rodents.

Then the Samsung washing machine does not drain, and the pump does not function. The corresponding error code appears on the screen. To diagnose a malfunction, you need to ring the electrical circuit and then twist the wires. A complete replacement of the wired cable may also be necessary.

Thus, the reason why a Samsung machine does not drain water can be varied. Most often, the problem is related to the drain itself, although sometimes you should look for irregularities in the wires and even the electronic module. If you cannot diagnose it yourself, you must contact a service center.

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