Why did the washing machine break down? Causes of failure, how to fix them yourself

If your washing machine breaks down, it can be due to a variety of reasons. Most often, it stops drawing or draining water and does not heat it. Poor drum rotation, lack of spin, and other irregularities may occur. A description of the most common causes and methods of repairs at home can be found in this article.

Washing machine breakdown

Main causes of failure

If the machine breaks down, the problem may be due to a variety of reasons, even those that are not entirely obvious (for example, a short-term voltage drop in the electrical system of the unit itself). The most common malfunctions observed are:

  1. The device does not drain waste water or does so too slowly. Such situations are associated with a clogged drain filter or a faulty drain pump. It is necessary to check the drain pipe, clear it of foreign objects or blockages, and inspect the pump impeller.
  2. The laundry does not spin out - a problem that can have many causes. For example, the wrong washing program was selected, too much laundry was loaded, the unit was installed incorrectly, and therefore an imbalance occurred. Speaking of what to do if the washing machine breaks down, the first thing you need to do is remove some of the clothes. It is also recommended to inspect the brushes (they may be worn out) and make sure that the electronic module is broken.
  3. Sometimes the machine stops drawing water, and then the washing process does not start. The most obvious and harmless reason is that the washing machine has not broken down, and the problems are only related to the water supply (there is no required pressure in the pipes). The breakdown may also involve a clogged inlet hose or inlet valve. Another factor is that the hatch locking system has broken down. The control module may also fail or the pressure switch may break.
  4. In some cases, the drum stops rotating, which is due to overload of laundry, wear and tear of the bearings. Often the drive belt breaks or the electric motor brushes wear out, or the drain pump breaks. Finally, the control module may also break. Then you need to understand what to do if the machine does not turn on or freezes. It is disconnected from the network and turned on again after 15 minutes. And if this does not help, contact a specialist.
  5. If the unit does not heat the water, this indicates a breakdown of the heating element. It may overheat due to a large layer of scale and dirt - then a burning smell will appear or a short circuit will occur. Less often, the lack of heating is associated with problems in the control module or a breakdown of the heating element relay.
  6. It also happens that the washing machine breaks down and does not turn on, does not even respond to pressing different keys. In such situations, the reasons are related to a lack of voltage or a malfunction of the FSK network filter, or malfunctions in the electronics. It is also recommended to check the pressure in the water supply and make sure that the door closes properly.
  7. If extraneous sounds appear during operation of the unit (loud noise, humming, or the device begins to rattle), the drain system is probably clogged or the drum bearings and shock absorbers are worn out.You should stop the wash and check if there are any foreign objects in the tank or if the rubber cuff is worn out. Another possible factor is that the unit is installed incorrectly and needs to be leveled.

Washing machine repair

How to carry out repairs yourself

Self-repair actions are possible if the following conditions are met:

  • the damage is not too serious;
  • it was possible to accurately determine it by the error code on the display, external signs (noise, burning smell, strong vibrations);
  • have the tools and skills to repair or replace parts yourself.

The procedure depends on what kind of problem is observed:

  1. If the machine does not work at all, you need to check the loading door and also make sure that there is normal voltage in the network (for example, turn on the electric kettle).
  2. If there is no water supply, open the tap, make sure that the water supply is working properly, inspect the hose and eliminate kinks and creases. It is also recommended to rinse the filter and replace the valve if necessary.
  3. If the flow of water is slow, it means the hose is clogged. It needs to be washed, and also make sure there are no creases, and if necessary, straighten it. There may also be a reason such as insufficient pressure in the water supply.
  4. If there is no heating, the water remains cool, the heating element should be cleaned or replaced. It is taken out and cleaned with a stiff brush, washed in a vinegar solution. If there is a burning smell, the heating element must be replaced with a new one.
  5. If the drum does not spin at all, this indicates that the drive belt has fallen off the pulley or is very worn. The lock on the door may also break - you should make sure that it works properly.
  6. If the water is not pumped out, you need to check whether the hose or pump filter is broken or clogged.It is disassembled, washed and reinstalled. The electric motor may also burn out - in this situation, a complete replacement is required.
  7. If the unit stops right during washing, you should also check the pump or valve. If this phenomenon occurs for the first time, you should disconnect the unit from the network for 15 minutes and then turn it on again.

Washing machine repair

There may be other failures of the washing machine, more serious than those described above. If the exact cause cannot be determined or repair at home is not possible, you should contact a service center. Trying to fix a problem yourself at random is dangerous, as it can lead to even more serious consequences.

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