Washing mistakes that damage your washing machine

What a blessing that they came up with an automatic washing machine! I think every woman has had this thought at least once. And if the “assistant” suddenly breaks down, it is perceived almost as a disaster. After all, without her we are like without hands! In most cases, the technicians we call for help will not fail to point out that the owner of the equipment is to blame for its malfunction. To ensure that this happens as rarely as possible, we advise you not to repeat mistakes that become fatal to the device.

Washing mistakes that damage your washing machine

Dangerous mistakes when loading the drum

Let's start with the first stage - loading.

Drum overflowing

A dangerous mistake is overloading the drum. You shouldn’t try to fit as much laundry as possible at one time! It is better to divide things into several washes.


Important! A machine with a full drum will make a lot of noise, vibrate and even jump.

The choice of drum loading option should be made at the purchase stage. After all, a family can grow, and the minimum 3–4 kg is simply not enough. For example, in a machine designed for 5 kg, it will not be possible to wash 5 kg of dry clothes, because When wet, the weight of clothes increases.

Attention! When washing cotton fabrics and synthetics, the drum should be loaded only 2/3 of the volume, when washing woolen items - half the volume.

Foreign objects

The entry of foreign objects into the drum along with laundry can not only lead to scratches, but also cause damage to machine parts. In addition, delicate fabrics can also deteriorate.

foreign objects

Therefore, before loading laundry, you should carefully check and empty the pockets, and also fasten all the fittings.

Important! The most common problem is coins, paper clips and even keys left in pants pockets.

Washing small items without a bag

For the same reason, it is necessary to use special bags for small items such as socks, shoelaces and panties. They can cause the mechanism to jam.

laundry bag

Errors when using a washing machine

Let's look at the typical mistakes that even experienced housewives make.

Lack of sorting of things upon loading

Don't ignore the need to sort things. This will help in choosing a mode and detergent. So, when washing towels, you can do without fabric softener, since after it the terry fabric partially loses its ability to absorb moisture.

sorting things

Selecting a detergent

Using a highly foaming powder or overdosing it may result in the entire drum being filled with foam.. This is often the cause of an electronic device malfunctioning when the system cannot figure out what to do next.

choosing a detergent

It is worth buying special detergents marked “for automatic machines”. It is necessary to follow the instructions on the packaging and follow the dosage depending on the number of items.

Important! Special capsules for washing are placed in the drum, and not in the powder cassette.

Ignoring descaler

A remedy for scale and salt deposits is far from being a PR move by marketers, as many people think.

heating element with scale

In almost all houses the water is very hard, which causes scale to appear. Special products soften the composition and protect parts from plaque formation. These include powders or solutions that contain additives that reduce hardness. Therefore, you should not ignore this point.

Reference! You can check the condition of the invisible parts of the tank by looking at the condition of the heating element. To do this, you must first call a specialist for preventive maintenance.

Wrong choice of washing mode

Many housewives wash completely different clothes on the same cycle, considering it optimal. The most necessary are standard programs and short wash modes. But the electronic device has a delicate sensitive mechanism and understands when it is being deceived by choosing the wrong mode.


Important! The constant use of conditions close to critical (maximum load or temperature) leads to premature wear and overheating of individual components of the unit.

Often, owners of household appliances try to change an already set program as work progresses in order to speed up the process.

Important! You can switch the operating mode only after turning off the power and in a clockwise direction.

If you neglect this rule, the device sending commands to the device may break down.

Break between washing and emptying the drum

It is harmful for the machine and the clothes themselves to forget them in the drum after washing. After a day, things will smell unpleasant, and the process will have to be started in the second round.. The device retains moisture and bacteria accumulate.

Consequences of improper care of your washing machine

In order for the machine to operate efficiently, it must be periodically cleaned and disinfected. The fact is that dirt and detergent residues accumulate in the drum and powder compartment. This causes an unpleasant odor, plaque formation and poor washing results.

machine care

  • Should be periodically carry out routine cleaning. For example, you should run an empty machine on the highest temperature setting, adding 0.5 liters of vinegar.
  • At the end of washing, the drum should be wiped with a clean damp cloth, and then again, already dry.
  • The device must be ventilated. After washing, the drum door and powder container must be opened. If this is not done, an unpleasant odor and mold will soon appear. An open door is a simple technique to protect against metal corrosion.
  • If the machine is 5 years old or more, then it is not recommended to leave it unattended when turned on.

Today we rarely wash by hand; there are washing machines in almost every home. But modern devices often break down due to the most ridiculous mistakes made by their owners. Knowing the basic rules of care, you can save considerable amounts on equipment repairs.

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